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Mafially Yours

Mafially Yours

Author: Sarah Lee
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Chapter 1 1

Word Count: 1193    |    Released on: 11/03/2024


like guys with


face of the actual shooter. I wouldn't recognize him even if he walked past me. On that fateful day, my dad decided to take me

y feet, creating a soothing crashing sound. The water's rhythm echoed my heartbeat, forming a beautiful melody. The breeze tousled my hair, turn

dy to go?"

yet." He nodded and went to check us out of our hotel s

signaled that he was ready,

for you," he said, holding my hand and re

I asked, "You got me a

t to find a silver necklace with "Nana" on it - h

nk you," I put it on, admir

et's go. We

lose my eyes, I resisted. I wanted to stay awake. Time with my dad was p

if you want,"

ly, trying to stay alert. "I really enjoyed

come here again next time

tough; you nev

ll try to make the next br

rom a movie. The wind brushed against my face, but I refused to close the window. I enjoyed the feeling, captivat

g?" He conce

e," I whined as I wiped

tissues? Tr

to wipe my eye with. "Do you have it here?" I opened the glove box in front of me. I

Was that really mom? Why did I never see that picture? Why didn't he want me to see that picture? We never talked about her. I knew talking about her

years. I never met her. I never knew what she looked like or what she acted like. Whenever I ask about her, he changes the subject. I never knew if she was eve

h for you?" he

e sentence he says every

ortant." He said, "She's just not...around. She never was.

lly asked, expecting him to be

weetie?" He hit the whe

at happe

you planning on doing when we get back? I don't think I will b

ly asked when she crossed my mind, wondering where she went, what she did, if she died, and why she died, but he didn't answer. I would drop

asked this made me sure that whatever I

r when you never showed it to me? You told me you don't

e d

I stared at her some more. She was beautiful. I softly smiled. She looked ki

know I left

ows, "when did you think y

got here with some documents I kee

w her or even seeing her? And why

s best for y

want t

hat is best for you and me ev

e is my mom, and I deserve to

you want

mom not

se she

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