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Chapter 3 Desire

Word Count: 4877    |    Released on: 21/03/2024

rchers and scientists delve into the mysteries of a recently unearthed meteorite, its otherworldly properties beckoning them into uncharted realms of scientific inqui

gan and body, merging science and the supernatu

pers of uncertainty fill the air, a pivotal meeting unfolds between the esteemed Fairy Council Colony and the venerable Witches' Council. In this fateful conclave, Sharlene East's eyes alight with recognition and relief as she em

ians and progenitors of the arcane, I bid you welcome." With solemn purpose, she continues, "Today, gathered in this sacred space, we unite for a singular purpose: to safeguard the human realm against the encroaching shadow of prophecy." Pausing, her gaze piercing the veils of tim

human realm, their ambitions quashed by the valiant actions of Michael's son." With reverence, she speaks of their savior, heir to Emma Stone's legacy, the Omega supernatural whose very existence restored equilibrium amidst the tumult of supernatural forces. "Today," sh

ascent," Malachi asserts gravely, his voice weighted with foreboding. "Others rally to her cause, swelling the ranks of impending doom." With a solemn nod, he continues, "This looming confrontation eclipses all that came before. Azriel wields the divi

of resignation. "Liliana Stone, we are but pawns in the grip of the u

ways a solution, Guardian," she asserts, her resolve unyielding. "And there ar

"There's a reason why they've remained hidden, Liliana," he explains, his gaze haunted by the

ged with a mix of curiosity and apprehension. "The Lost Supernatural

dges the existence of the enigmatic figures from legend. "The Lost Supernatu

word," he declares, its name resonating with significance. Yet, his apprehension is palpable. "Its power

lares, her voice a beacon of determination. "We must reunite, rally the super

sensed her arrival and knew exactly why she had come. Amy hurried to greet Liliana with a warm hug, expressing

with a smile. "You might just be the ne

continued, her tone se

body fully regenerated through genetic mutation enhancement, unleashed a reign of terror, brutally murdering everyone in the facility. Haunt

another supernatural being intervened – a precise vampire. A fierce battle ensued, the c

ming, as he moved to tear his adversary apart. However, just as Marcus po

he bowed respectfully, dropping to one knee. The vampire, too, followed s

ence. With a commanding gaze, Azriel turned towards the meteorite, the focal point of

he entire facility. From within the meteor, dark shadow-like creatures of horrifying visag

spoke. "What are you doing, Mr. Hawthorne?" he exclaimed. "Sh

ing closer to Azriel with unwavering determin

ge. In a shocking revelation, he began to expose his true intentions to Professor Hamil

itterness as he spoke, his words hea

d save us from its grasp. But there was a cure, a path to restoration. My father, he knew your father, Hamilton. They delved into the forbidden, the i

the air, the truth behind his a

ed with remorse as he revealed the depths of their past transgressions. "Shawn White, that vampire, he offered me a barg

vily in the room, the consequences of

by the vampire's incessant need to feed. But our plans were derailed when the government intervened, transforming Aougst town into someth

u the key to unlocking the secrets your father had been on the brink of discovering. I knew that your innate curiosity and desire

ur side, the mother of all, we will transcend the boundaries of mortality. Your wildest d

ionaire and granted his desire. With a gesture, she offered him her eternal blood, and in that moment, he was reborn

by both supernaturals. Despite his pleas for mercy, Mr. Hawthorne, now empow

Hawthorne declared, his voice laced with a chilling

s fate seemed sealed as he stood before the f

transforming him into a zombie-like creature, compelled to carry out Mother's bidding. T

down her traitors and eliminate the last descendant of Michael. Meanwhile, she prepar

her grave concerns with Dante and Bella, out

interjected, disbelief evident in his v

Grace added, her tone tinged with skepticis

th. To uncover more answers, we must seek

but Bella quickly cheered him up with a reassuring smile.

epted the challenge. Hearing this, Amy's excitement bubbled over as

clearing the stage for the council members to present their matters. Amidst the hushed anticip

assembly, her presence radiating authority as she prepare

hered witches, her words carried

g threat of the unknown. The lost supernaturals, relegated to myth among our kind, will awaken at her sid

ght us together. And for generations, we have lived in peace, hidden from the human world. But now, as Azriel threatens th

you not as a leader, but as a family. Together, we must unite once more to stand against

words, Sharlene East rose from her seat. With a determined expression, she prepared to a

er words carried the weight of her

n," she confessed, her voice tinged with vulnerability. "We do not choose this path—it is our destiny, our duty to fulf

owing that I can never truly measure up to the greatness of our beloved Queen and mother. But amidst our individual struggles, we

ame clear that our unity and resolve were something they never anticipated. And yet, we prevailed. Though the victory left scars upon us, those scars

embrace a new era—a time of hope and enlightenment. An era where we can stand proudly as individuals, yet united in purpose. Let us remember t

s of all fairies and witches, a sense of anticipation filled the air. With confiden

hat they had paved the way to victory. Together, they stood ready to lead their fe

city below, she allowed herself a moment of respite. However, in the stillness of the night, me

ack to a time before she and Michael descended to Earth. Each memory weighed upon

g angelic beings. Blaming humanity for the war that tore through heaven and led to the fall of her belove

Yet, her grand ambitions faced fierce opposition from Michael and the steadfast loyalty of angels who stood resolute against her and her allies. Together, they wag

Michael unleashed his formidable power, consuming Azriel's minions and transforming them into dark, shadowy entities. Undeterred, Azriel and her remaining minions engaged Michael in a ferocious bat

with unknown energy, absorbed them into its fiery embrace, sealing their fates. Their journey ended abruptly as the meteor crash

rounded by the desolation they had wrought upon their arrival. With a burning rage smoldering in Azriel's eyes, her gaze

catching her fist before it could make contact. The sheer force of their clash unleashed a cataclysmic shockwave, rippling through t

ed, her voice tinged with scorn as she locked eyes with her adversary. With a defiant glare, she ascended into the air,

en, grappling with the weight of his decisions and the daunting task ahead of him. As the dust settled and silence descended upon Aougst Town, Michael's

ror. Amidst forging friendships and deepening bonds, Michael discovered love blooming amidst the town's charm. Meanwhile, Azriel lurked in the shadows, plotting nefarious schemes to unleash upon the u

g fear of the encroaching night. Azriel's relentless hunt spared neither man, woman, nor child, as she feasted on their flesh and quenched her thirst with their blood. The townsfolk,

Azriel's ceaseless rampage, reached his breaking point and resolved to wage war against her. Their epic battles stretched across centuries, spanning thousands of years as they clashed in a relentless struggle for

th a being of extraordinary magic—the Queen Fairy. Bestowed with dominion over the mystical realms and its potent forces, the Queen Fairy set about creating a fairy colony, laying the foundation for a formidable defense against Azriel's reign of terror. With her guidance, the

ected from among willing humans, these individuals were bestowed with the extraordinary ability to transform into any form they desired. Under

nt knowledge of all things mystical, the Seekers possessed hidden abilities yet to be unveiled, each one holding the key to unlocking the secrets that lay sh

old the potential to reshape the course of their journey and influence the fate of Aougst Town. With each revelation, the true extent of their capabilities will be unveiled, paving the way for unforeseen challenge

d with the passage of time. In the face of this inevitable decline, the Seekers, blessed with profound knowledge, took it u

orce that threatened to engulf their world. With Michael's dwindling power and their own determination as their

r shoulders. Armed with the wisdom inherited from their progenitor and fortified by their own resolve, they vowed to hon

flames of her ancient vendetta with newfound ferocity. Three millennia had passed since her defeat, and in her absenc

upernaturals. With each passing moment, her power surged, fueled by the burning desire to shatter the fragile peace that had been forged in her absence and reclaim her dominion over the realms

entity that masked her true nature beneath a facade of false affection. Her chosen target, an unsuspecting soul, fell

f the night—a vampire, bound to her will and enslaved to her desires. As her sinister plot unfur

ural realm and its descendants. With her sights set on nothing less than total conquest, she embarked on a treacherous journey fraugh

uest for dominance. Among Azriel's first creations stood Dracula, a figure of unparalleled power and cunning, bestowed with the rare ability to walk freely in the daylight—a feat

of a witch, wielding dark sorcery to challenge the enchantments of the fairy folk, In her insatiable quest for power and domination, Azriel preyed upon the vulnerable souls who hungered for supernatural abilities, l

g the forbidden arts of alchemy and necromancy. With each whispered incantation and blood-soaked ritual, they unlocke

s giants. Through her unholy teachings, she instilled in them a thirst for power and a willingness to sacrifice anything—be it their own humanity or the sanctity of life itself—in pursuit of their dark ambiti

ssing the ability to shift between human and wolf forms wi

ernatural order itself. As hybrids and tribrids emerged from her twisted experiments, they clashed with the first order of su

Clair, would be unveiled in the next chapter, titled "Unraveling the Past," shedding light on the

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