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Love Online

Love Online

Autor: Lakishapg
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Capítulo 1 Bad introduction to love

Palabras:572    |    Actualizado en: 02/05/2024

father leaving to be with another woman. She remembered her father taking her hands in his and saying that he would be living somewhere else but loved her and her sister Diana. Being from a

f she was told this would be the only gift she would receive from him, she would

or even mow the grass, love was never dripping from the words they shared. Grandfather Edward, known from his inability to in a relationship long, before moving on to the next didn't stay with them, he lived out in the rural county limits. It didn't stop him from stopping by Grandma Betty's house whenever he wanted. Another vivid memory occurred when Grandfather Edward learned that Grandma Betty was seeing a man that was related to her best friend. Their relationship was new and it was great to see love. Grandfather Edward, in several relationships himself, decided

be cool to be in love until that first heartbreak. Who would think a heart could hurt so badly? Love didn't seem to follow Danielle around. She decided at an early age, that love was too much and marriage wasn't an

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