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Chapter 4 Free Fall The Society Book 2

Word Count: 2681    |    Released on: 13/03/2018


the large wooden table while Ivy filled th

little less pleasant than it s

Jerome's, but a couple still remained. She placed the remaining ones on a plate and set them down on the table for Irina and Nick, adding three extra plates for each of

suppose with so much unsettled it is doubly so at this time. We should have called be

and to run, "

c mugs the shifters favored already had plenty of chips, several destroyed completely, she understood and appreciated their caution with the china. To the cups and saucers

aited for the water to boil. While she told the pair about her being a mage, she never

a long time. I wasn't certain what sort when you brought them to o

, " Ivy asked. Nick snor

win, " Nick told her allowing a small smile to slip to his lips.

him. She patted his arm affectionately. The kettle began to whistle and Ivy retrieved it. Iri

a second thinking Irina was talking to her. She opened her mouth to ask ho

lines creasing his forehea

ou would have thought me a mad old woman and not listened. After, " Irina

my friend, " Nick said. H

not a witch." She told Irina mor

your clan, " Irina said with a no

ed to the packs for p

sons were gone before my daughter a

tected you, " Russell said from the doorway. They all jumped, not having heard him

ng her head. She waved irritably at the teapot. "It's steeped lon

few weeks prior Eric brought a box over from a restaurant supply store. H

sy to stomp a little, " Irina told

o remember

m taking a sip of her tea a

ck said shak

just come for the pleasant company

ssell asked, taking a small sip of his hot t

the property into my name, " Ivy told him

"It's actually public information a


t trust the phone, " Irina continued when i

ick told them, grimacing at the obviousness of the fake name. In Nick

y's saving grace that day was the fact that David expected her to be alone instead of with Russell. Keeping two fighting shifters from bringing her neighbors a

em in her apartment as well as the list of her siblings' locations. No doubt someone else was sent to pay them each a visit, but by then the others were safe and guarded. In the image they managed to find for James Smithson, it was clea

acks. "I thought you found all you coul

he money, " N

as the money man, " R

from a corporate ac

by a corporati

said. Ivy frowned at him. "Or possibly your tracke

Nick continued, ignoring Russ

ell added, clearly un

Ivy told Nick r

uble to hide this Ivy. I'm not even sure Smithson knew who he was

ussell said. Ivy looked and him and saw he

?" she asked

nd like you put on that chicken casserole. Ohhhhh, can w

I can make that for you." S

ng into her cup of tea. "I

h Russell's behavior. "I keep it for wh

ell said, he drained his cup befor

ied to take Russell's cup, but he held it

said gigglin

the third eye. It just sometimes tends to make the two natured a bit…silly

short and stout, " Ru

Irina promised. "Ma

ll. He put the glass on the table and then placed his empty mug next to it. He continued to sing the little teapot song in a very loud, and very

d you manage that so fast? Given our metabolism it takes fore

d his brother with exaggerated

't agree with h

nd then turned back to Russell. "Why don't

opping and crunching loudly as Russell changed form. Ivy saw many shifters, including Russell, change before, but never had she seen it happen so f

is own clothing quickly and changing his own form.

n hair growth thing in the movies. I don't know why I thou

could catch Russell, she could contain him, although she doubted she could do so long enough for the effect of the tea to wear off. With her t

quite quickly." Irina assured her. "It has been a while, but I think with

ed to prove it wasn't actually dangerous. "Right, " she repeated. "So did you manage to find anything underneath all of th

age in front of Ivy. She looked down. The image was a maroon and gold shield, the shield divided into four parts and the maroon and gold alternating like a checkerb

her high school Latin. "United Brothers or Brothers Unite, " she tr

mpany name is listed as UniFra. This is their boar

ages of thirty and sixty years of age. She didn't recognize any of them and none of them h

. Surely if someone felt strongly enough about her to try kill

named Ron Corwin, " Nick t

aid looking at the image. Ron appeared to be in his mid to lat

nholy', " Nick suggested. "Possibly even 'The Unhol

with a smile. "Although I do wish his nam

y glanced over to Irina. The normally smiling woman looked gr

h the posturing was a little redundant. They looked like they were stamped out of the same factory mold, same black suit, white shirt, black tie and black wing tips. While she hoped that up close a

ut I can't see any details, " s

d Ivy felt her breath whoosh out of her as though she was punched. She may not recognize Ron Corwin or any member of the boar

e to a whisper. "I thought they were…extermina

id until they could grow strong again or a new group has taken

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