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Chapter 5 Free Fall The Society Book 2

Word Count: 2806    |    Released on: 13/03/2018


e a reality made them more terrifying than any fictional monster, at least in Ivy's mind. The one element that prevented nightmares was that

e stories always

ty. As a mage, Ivy was one of the abominations, all of the clans were, Mages, Shifters, Seers, Vampires

for magical items when he c

luding magic. If they could use something a mage created to kill someone from one of the clans, then it was considered a righteous use an

use they planned to put my la

abeled wash and dry, but the packets weren't labeled at all and using them incorrectly not only wouldn't remove the tracker it would destroy the washer and drier as well as any clothing. Walte

That would be stupid. She made every item in her apartment, she could easily remake them. 'Of course he thought I'd soon b

think that all magic i

heir thinking as I unde

ng if they destroyed all that was in that bag in one go it would have gone boom in some

their actions fit the

poor pitiful humans, whether of the clans or norm, should serve their magnificent society as slaves." Ivy frowned. "Or ma

the three; worship, enslavement or complete annihilat

e clans?" Nick asked. "Don

even though the Fae and the Vamps are allied in the Council, they aren't terribly fond of each other. After all vampir

trategic, " Ni

us, taking out the Fae, " Irina finished. She nodded agreeing with the thought. "Plausi

. "And to what cl

" Irina said with a smil

ll aren'

e you were born. They objected to my choice of husband and I was forced to m

lit her family and when they sensed trouble brewing retreated to their hidden strongholds to wait it out rather than get involved. She did however like Irina, a lot. She also t

when you immigrated, or later when the

re the other men in the pack, their alpha included. They treated me with respect. They found my abilities useful, very profitable too and I could see the greed building. My husband and s

a's husband and sons

ndmother, his eyes occasionally darting to her before returning to Irina's face. Iv

n, or worse. The Seers would have taken me back then as it was just the two of us, but I couldn't really forgive them for making me ch

ng within it,

, or can guess the parts you don't know. My daughter was in love and revealed her skills to her husband. Nick's father found her skill

vy was certain she could find the names out with a little effort if she wanted, but it never seemed importa

few secrets in a pac

t the phrase was there are no

ce you stepped through the shields with no problem, everyone knows you

. "That's us, " he said. "Straight

rmal anymore, " Ivy told him. "I'm sure once Russell's herbal

now, " Irina said. "And the

packs require for non-wolves to be associated with them. Given your past and the fact that you are my friends they may feel some loyalty to you and think you owe them some loyalty, b

thing, " she told them. "An

e like. I also know what you are like, and I do not believe you would bring us to harm's doorway. We will not fault you if the story gets out." I

ck said. "I've dug out as much as I cou

e Unholy Terror, " I

nd telling you when unexpected money transfers occur there is not much

tern searching soun

it was from a different corporate account and a smaller monthly sum. Greg Foster was in charge of that one, he is standing to the ri

ed, still processing a mage

d her. "I put the obituary in the f

mehow she suspected the death came shor


inside. "It just seems like everything is happening at once."

ge. He glanced towards his grandmother. "I think I'm g

ade?" Ivy asked, knowing what

he research y

might be able to narrow that down a bit depending on research of my own, but for now that's all I have on the time period. The two men were named Billy Warr

dn't write anything down, she kne

that cost me

ifters and the Seers, " he told her. I

specific questions will he

answer. "You still have y

Ivy re

he week. If you can answer the general questions and c

le folder on Ron The Unholy Terror slash Destro

vy thought as she and Irina both stood as well. Ivy sta

id. "One goofy wolf is bad enough.

m both the cups and the tea pots. For good measure Ivy put them all in the sink

ark that with a warning lat

dely and chuckl

've ever had tea where you haven't

as the three of them exited the kitchen and walked to the lobby

certain how she

hes having some sort of conversation. As she saw Alex and a roll of blueprints in the c

out causing a disturbance. Nick watched the group as they went p

knew asking him would be pointless. Nick tended to gather information, processing everything once he felt he had enough data. Only then wo

right away or stayin

back in the morning, " Irina told her. "My old bo

s in Isliton

ertain none of the pack

eeting place, " she told them quietly. "It is also the only place in town

lked in. Both were naked and in human form. Russell

pie, " Ivy finished as Russell l

as though she was trying to hide her amusement and failing badly.

rds. Russell nodded grumpily, realizing she spoke the

t up. Ivy looked at the older model hatchback, somewhat surprised that Nick even had a car. She expected a rental. It was rare that she

it, feeling the extra shields snap back into place. A cold wind blew through her h

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