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Chapter 5 Dead Husband

Word Count: 1199    |    Released on: 13/01/2021


ll over again. Wait..

h tattooed handsome goo

s I can l

es slow then fast, strong strokes keepi

me. I closed my eyes for a moment then sighed. He lowered himself, put

arch, keep it up, Nicolette." He left me

can do this! Just pai

attooed handsome g


ease come with me, " Laura cal

he empty common room. She looked tense, worr

right away, my eyes were searching every corner of the room for his features. My heart beats a thous

child it's okay, he's not here." I s

er. Said that your husband was involved in a car accident and he died, while

issing my temple. "Shhh... everything will be okay now, Nic

to the news. My tears kept on falling. I fe

one. I'm no body's. What'

oom. Laura let me go, but I could fe

rly days of our marriage, where we loved each other. He has gone now, I couldn't even keep him alive. My husband,

didn't say anything, just kept on holding me to his chest, stroking my hair. Taking my head, cupping my face looking into my eyes, and kisse

nipples, his pierced nipples. Which made me stopped and looked at him. He arched his eyebrow at me. Not saying anything, he

i." He grunted, cupped my face with his other hand, and crushed his lips with

my entire life with a man. H

elp you forget okay? Let me help you forget." He told me, as he hovered on

ly unclasping my bra and stroking my nipple. "Beautiful, Nicolette just like the rest of you." He grabbed the end of

t was all it took, as he grabbed both of my

need to stop telling me what to do." I coul

icipation. Until he dipped his finger in me, feeling my wetness. I could feel him smiling. "You're so

I'm never good at this. Collin told me so." I wiped my tears away, blushing

s is how hard you make me Nicolette. You're beautiful to me, no matter what anybody s

me while licking and sucking my nipples. I moaned and chanted his name over and over again. Feeling like I was getting higher and higher but I

Nikki, move your hips, fuck my fingers." I kept on getting closer and closer, I never kn

? It's so good." I sighed

tte." He told me as I relaxed in his arm. He kissed my forehead, and h

will tell Laura, not to both

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