img Ruthless The Trial Marriage Of The Arrogant Heiress  /  Chapter 5 He definitely has a girlfriend | 13.16%
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Chapter 5 He definitely has a girlfriend

Word Count: 621    |    Released on: 17/03/2021


ding and welcoming guests, maintaining a smile that made

escorted us here. Though I was chilling with th

or my own first night. My friends are still bachelors, and they seemed more thrilled than me over th

e towards the room. With no interest, I entered and the f

ng and that's when my attention took hold of her, making

s kinda upset or had a fight with someone. She appeared in front of me from

gave contains rules like I have to stay in her house with her family, I can't sl

the couch though it was not comfor

Am I forgetti


omething really important crossed my


ing for us in front of the hotel. But Ryan was in his deep sleep. He should be.

girlfriend! But that

lled him. "Ryan." And he didn't bother at all

d to go back." I said

al, then I am leaving him he

as he wants. He has legs, and there are taxis, he can go home alone. Non

you didn't." I wrote it on a paper and l

tel room. But just when I reached the reception

waiting with flowers, of course, t

hey don't see us together. What should I do? Should

turn around to go back but damn it! Som


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