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Fantasy Of Love

Fantasy Of Love

Author: Angel Writes
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Chapter 1 Leaving Home

Word Count: 1017    |    Released on: 12/06/2021

am, relaxing and at the same time watching the beautiful view and also, fig

y forgot, sorry I didn't

Paris but am recently living in New York with my grand parents. I am the only daughter and

I'm 17 years old, I'm a great dancer but am also good a

nothing can spoil my day..... I said

id as I picked up my ph

rand p

they get, they want you to spend the week wit

can even do my next show

amed h

one was here

my journey, but after that I had to te

" I said as I kn

said and immediate

ieve what just came u

utfits?." She

and you fail

already." She s

"I'm going to Paris tomorr

of words to

apping my fingers and

lways wanted to go

" I sc

at I didn't notice

how, I can't do it wi

by then and besides it will be more

ck your things if

have already p

w." She said as she

irport tomorrow."



m going to Paris

and grand parents beside me, they were all there to bade

okingly, while my grandparents stared at each other strange

ime sad. They took turns to say their go


mediately rushed into their warm embrace. I was kinda exp

, I felt somehow uncomfortable because

us to a large and fancy house with a lot

tion you are, don't train your self to be proud, well I gu


hat new, we have been living here fo

live in Paris with us, you should be tre

ean by live in

t us to live with your grandparents, no visits only calls and w

tarted crying too, they hugged me tight, the only people

re early to bed t


steps are so

hat was Jenny's

and I need steps that can

you should get so

her a lot." I

e for a week and then she'll be bac

k I'll be going to

a call from Jenny but I guess she forgot about me. I thought; just as if the u

ppy you call

ice." she said

actly will you be c

k I'll be coming back exc

mean?." I a

ing to live in P


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