img Fantasy Of Love  /  Chapter 2 Solution | 7.14%
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Chapter 2 Solution

Word Count: 831    |    Released on: 12/06/2021

what you expected but I h

that?." I as

ow that you are

it, speak u

aris with me." She said and I j

" she e

arents and get back t

eeing you." She s

with my best friend but there is one problem,


y bed lost

ht not come because of her pare

ed in

lled as she wal

s that I didn't hear her until she

en feeling but I was g


faked a smil

ris, the outfits, concerts an

it here." She said w

re I got my beauty from." I though

something funny t

e this before, it

said and sat

om." I

business partner on Wednesday and we wou


here with the maid, I'

gonna be there

t exactly." I a

d open and gues

ed into his warm embra

I was crying till we d


outburst of tears and I s

" and hugged him an

ing dizzy." I

you've grown slot, I

it." I

ll you go?

I will.

by sis." he s

already 17 and you need t

r bags cause someone here has a h

he house while mom l

, I caught him and gave him the be


ouring some delicious cookies w

er, it stands out. I ate so

turned to see it was Littl

what's it?" I a

, my name isn't sh

, it's Miss shopping.

et pissed." she s

f water." I said and she shot m

stop." I sa

d as she walked b

d trying to hold my laughter w

he said and went

long, she'll be back, she better because she need to take

d and focused my atte

nock on my parents door, I

t's wrong?" dad as

e dad."

like you saw a ghost

h I d

k..well, tell you somet

s that hone

eath before I sp

is with Jenny and visit you guys in summer t

they sa

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