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Chapter 2 iHate my brother

Word Count: 1481    |    Released on: 28/06/2021

tched at the thought of what my twin brother said to me earlier in the day. I couldn't believe he threatened to tell Tia that I was crushing on her boyfriend. He was my brother, my

one around him, including my friends. "Your brother is such a devil" Kim said "But a cute one though" She added with a smile. I and Emma gazed at her and shook our heads. He was really a devil just like Kim said. He once played a trick on Kim when she came over for a sleep over and same thing with Emma. Emma's own was always worse and he made sure to upset her at every chance that he got. They knew by now he was never up to something good. He was always mischievous. "But you shouldn't let that get to you, he will never do that to you. He's such a fool to think of that. Just forget about it" Emma said. She was acting like she didn't know Max. Max always did anything he said he was going to do. I guess she was just saying that to help me forget about it. "Okay" I nodded. Talking to them already lightened up my sad mood, it always did whenever I was around them. They knew when something was wrong and when everything was right with me. Especially Emma, she knew the right things to say to calm me down whenever I was nervous. "Thanks guys...I love you" I said with a faint smile. "We wouldn't let Max ruin our mood before the party" Emma said. She sounded happy. I just remembered there was a party I was supposed to go with them at night. But I wasn't sure if I wanted to go. "Have you decided what to put on yet?" Kim asked "Uhh...I don't think I would be going" I replied with a shrug. "Oh...not again. Why?" Kim asked in a sad tone. She and Emma had been hoping I would go to a party with them for the very first time but it seemed it wasn't going to happen any time soon "I have to finish up my science project and I've also been having this head ache since morning. I thought it would go away but it wouldn't. I don't think going to a party is the best option for me" I said. What a pathetic excuse but I hoped that would lay them off my back. "Come on Alex, you really need some fun in your life. I know you love to do your science stuff but you shouldn't always cling to your science stuff all the time, it's boring. Kim and I love basketball but we don't let that get in our way. You need to loosen up girlfriend" Emma said "You always come up with an excuse, please change your mind. You could get to meet Kent..." Kim said, still hoping to change my mind "Speaking of Kent, check out who's coming" Emma said excitedly. I turned around and I saw him. K

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