img iGhost You  /  Chapter 3 iFeel Sad | 21.43%
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Chapter 3 iFeel Sad

Word Count: 1309    |    Released on: 28/06/2021

y that I had, I couldn't even do anything. I was only able to think about my horrible day with Max and everything else. "He's such a pain in the *ss" I said to myself as I thought of Max

mom's favourite. Max and dad were good at pretending just to become mom's favourite. "Max, make your sister some manzanilla tea. I'll get her some pain relief to use" my mom said "Can't she make her own tea?" Max questioned. There he goes again, acting like the evil brother. "Do it now" my mom commanded "Okay...fine" Max huffed after the straight look my mom gave him and left for the kitchen to make the tea while my mom went to get me the pills I needed to take from the first-aid box My mom gave me the pills while Max handed the tea cup to me after squinting his eyes at me. I took the pills and tea, then rested my back on the couch. "What do you want for dinner?" my mom asked "Nothing, mom...I'm not hungry" I replied. I really don't feel like eating, I think I suddenly lost my appetite. Maybe it was because of Kent and Tia. Looking at those two made me to want to throw up. "Well I want a big plate of spaghetti" Max said as he pointed at his stomach. I tolled my eyes. "I wasn't talking to you" mom replied, cocking her head to the side. "Come on mom, your new favourite person isn't hungry" Max said jokingly "If you keep going on like that, you might miss the party" my mom threatened. "What?" Max said in a low tone "uhm...i'll just sit quietly and watch TV" Max said and sat quietly. I really wish I could laugh but there wasn't enough strength to laugh. "I'll go make dinner, Jane sweetie come with mommy to the kitchen" mom said and headed to the kitchen. "Okay mommy" Jane stood up and followed mom to the kitchen. Another three hours went by, I was still in the sitting room on the same spot but with a blanket over my leg. I sat quietly while watching movie with my little sister Jane, my mom and my dad. We were watching my favourite TV series, The Flash. I really loved superhero movies and anything that has to do with science. Max wasn't home, he already left for the party, he really behaved himself within the few minutes he was home so he could make it the party. The worse part of my mom and dad all

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