img The Special Ones  /  Chapter 3 Three | 7.50%
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Chapter 3 Three

Word Count: 1016    |    Released on: 15/07/2021


tion. I looked at my side and I saw her looking at the direction where t

standing and slapped my arm and annoyed on w

at time is it and she glared at me "What do you mean? You have a flick

he looks like a mad duckling r

miled at me with his charm smile, bu

u're wearing, right? You look like a mad duckling drowned in the pon

really didn't hear what I said, she puts h

go up an

sing me and leans back on her chair 'I'm not going

at her causing her to scare a little "Don't you get it

ed at what she said, I stood up and looked at her and she gave me a

he was wearing a black suit without a tie, and a small box that he's carrying


" I put my hands on my pockets

rew a bit wide and clears his throat, he took a deep bre

just asking who you are, I’m not going to let you swim."

ember?" Tyson. I scanned him again until th

s that?" I pointed at the b

" I nodded "

d and smiled a bit

, it's funny how you see his face slowly turn

, you're so formal" I said "

aw them walking down stairs, I saw Amanda, holding into Crystal’s hand tightly, she was s

ing, she smiled when she heard my voice ca

he asked "Y

bowed Tyson beside me, I looked at him gr

really is beautiful" I

you talk

rned to Amanda "Are

said "It was yo

appy bi

" I looked at Tyson and he does the same a

He said "Amanda, I have


eye, I saw that mad duckling doing a face palm and I just ignored

give this gift

e'll open it later-" someone got the b

nda? Tyson?" She said while pushing me forwa

me?!" I whined "You can't just drag me away fro

ite that Tyson guy in the first place.” She said in a serious tone "A

m, she is now wearing formal clothes. I let out a sigh, and fix


hat you'r

lfway from where my sister and Tyson is standing an

hile doing that hand gestur

ur neck out of their con

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