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Chapter 5 Five

Word Count: 1692    |    Released on: 15/07/2021


aining some of our relatives and guests, I looked around in the area loo

before the party starts. I began on walking and thinking that I should go and check where I left them

g him where my sister was, he opened his mouth but before he c


rm, guiding her to walk towards us. “Amanda's with me, there's no

have yo

go to the bathroom for a while and I accompanied her. Why?" She said u

Mom's looking

ng me and Tyson behind, as they got a little far,

t was th

a crush on

said confused "W

ed him while he's still holding his tummy from what I d

are you tal

ring?" I asked him and he still has this

ighed, crossed my arms while he's slowly recovering from what I did "Also, how do I p

rdered me to buy som

ve to elbow me if you only want me to prove it come with you

er and I smiled and wrapped my right arms to his shoulders tightly. We immediately start walk

ed and faced at my mom "Who

iend and also my friend

ay; I'll be waiting for your g

they going t

side my car. While going to where we are heading, Tyson jammed some son

s are watching a glimpse from the rear-view mirror, not so long w

luggage" we immediately got out of the car and he wen

that?" I hit him in the head playfully and he

me?! Do you think I ca

stare at him for a second and sighed, and

finished" I closed the luggage and I saw him carrying some

d we'll go buy

door, I immediately felt something strange, cold and

ems exciting,

ace palm "What? You act so

front desk beside by the door, looking at me calmly and I try to act calmly and normal while I looked at her, and gave her an innocent smile and I began counting

took a beer but I felt that those three that people that

and and hit those persons in the head and the other two persons I

really hard

eamed a little and looks at me "Why

stions! Let's go

he cashier that I made an eye contact with earlier and she got some bottle on his

and I will kill h

et him go-" I was just shocked when Tyson's two hands suddenly had fire fla

ave an enemy following you?!"

g him and myself "And also, you're a fire user, why didn't you

talking, we slowly looked on the floor and suddenly the ashes were moving like sand and forms in

we immediately ran to the car and drove fast because we were being followed no

steering wheel "Aldren?" I looked back on the rear-view mirror; those

and fire user vs three cars!" Tyson look

said to me in shock, still the cars

en see my two eyes right-" someone crashe

speeding. Isn't

ding the wheel "You want speed? I'll give you speed, Hold on" I s

or the flaming chains, target their tires, their cars are fast so i

oing to work? how do you kn

on" I opened the car window above us, he looked up and

rock them?" he stoo

owing us" he took something from the compartment and threw it at him

" I immediately handed him o

of the car, and I scoffed at what he says. This kid can read my mind sometimes "Looks

t, Aldren? Step on the gas will


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