img Mermaid's Lust  /  Chapter 3 There is something fishy | 6.82%
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Chapter 3 There is something fishy

Word Count: 1454    |    Released on: 31/08/2021

bad about what happened earlier. In my opinion, both of

y.” Mom stood up from

couldn't stop myself from stooping down to he

d to you but treating me like this is not fair either. Why don’t y

ds. She probably did not exp

uggled to find the

up is not easy for me either.” I held my

orry” Mom continue

me with her while dad and Sara went home too. While she was dri


who’s sorry. I ruined your night after all.”

go. My emotions just got the best of me. I didn’t

id that. I didn’t know that your dad and I were hurti

mom said. Maybe we do lack communication because she is alway

s starting to get hea

ut…I hope you did not fo

small laugh and

to you once we

plied to her whi

tedly anticipated what my gift would be. Mom went into her room to get

n and opened the box. My e

I…” I couldn’t even

n go out and give it a test d

ge. Upon arrival, I instantly saw my gift and approached it w

ing its beauty. It was matte

lly!” I thanked mom

honey. Go” Mom said whil

make some rounds around mom’s subdivision. While driving,

t back home. Mom was wa

was it”

” I told her while sm

ad a little catching up session

with my friends tomorrow. Dad arranged a vaca

land he bou


s and take care” Mom said before kiss

d a wonderful breakfast before

or anything happens, okay?” Mo

om. I l

” Mom said before she

he door. I knocked but no one answered. T

the maids are not in today. I scanned every room but no one was

d to call dad to tell him that my

Nina. Have fun” Dad

you.” I said and

at we are meeting at the port of Garin and we would

greed time so I looked for a bench to sit on. Minutes la

dy?” I asked

Andy an

Kathy s

to arrive at Pulgy Island. The island that I own. One and

pretty here.”

ht?” I repl

It is surrounded by palm and coconut trees. I heard that it also has a beautiful co

t at this time of the year, the tidal waves are a bit stronger than usual. After that, he introduced us to his companion

e first. When our stomachs were already full, we changed into our swims

ic blanket. After a while, we were already done with org

ahead and swim,

u at the end of the

u shortly” I replied while applyi

sunscreen on but from my peripheral vision, I could see someone approaching me. A poor old lady was approaching me. She was wearing rags and she looked like a be

me! Who are you

ople know me here." The

t do you want?”

omething is off putti

are waiting for me. Here, you can spend this money to b

step, Grandma Lucia grabbe

u a warning” she s

king about? Is it the tida

this ocean, otherwise, the sea will p

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