img Mermaid's Lust  /  Chapter 7 No.7 | 15.91%
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Chapter 7 No.7

Word Count: 1490    |    Released on: 31/08/2021

r, we woke up and it w

knock on th

and your friend should eat."

od up to get the foo

od" Andy said as he c

Eat well." Our hou

home for the weekend. Andy will be staying


r a couple of days. I already told mom abo

tle while because I'm afraid that they might see

e others too. Thank you." Our h

. After eating, he went down again to

s Pers

tchen, Nina's housekeeper was

ve them there." S

you." I sai

up." She told m

d as a

d be going after this. I don't want to d

But what abou

only stayed to cook and clean up after you

go home safely." I said

ld her what their housekeeper asked me

ck home and get some

e asked m

So that I can help yo


uickly went back home t

s Pers

e clothes, we went back into researc

a conclusion that the only way I could get

even like someone or know someone who happens

he story

Prince Jake, which means I have to find my Prince

Andy with

just our guesses. We don't know what th

is story is better than believ

is because of someone like Oliliva

" I curio

el's legs became a mermaid tail. So maybe you have

be grandma Lucia. She was the only one who tal

ndy!" I e

it?" An

at one I told you about on our way home. She was the only one

th surprise from the

must find her rig

go back to Pulgy

let us first rest."

time and it's al

ou are

o the room next door. Since all of our house helpers are not around

eady to leave home again. He got me a wheelchair so t

It took us a few minutes before we arrived at Gar

me? What hap

f minutes ago. Search and rescue operation

w how many passenger

id that the pilot and a ce

he celebrity was and he answered that it

leaving me and Andy facing loo

what I’m thin

Andy looked at me

prince Jake, so we have to fin

d Grandma Lucia first?" Andy doe

cause he might be my prince Jake. He can tur

might be my prince. After that we can go find Gran

is how it works?”

an you push me near th

hed me near

bit further? Just up until

sea. I got excited as soon as

d the pilot and that hands

enly held

l. What if you drown aga

a fish tail therefore I can swi

elp with the search and rescue operations but he wasn't. He

her sea creatures seem like they are waving at me. Corals were shining their colors brightly. Since I am a mermaid now, I cou

ous but he was still breathing. I approached the man and th

he pilot.” I th

Andy was close by,

y! H

Andy’s boat was alr

e a life

diately put it on the pilot. I then p

re Andy. He need

” He asked while fishing t

e. I got this Andy.”

and saw that Andy was already paddling towards the shore.

knew that he wasn’t going to be of any help for me. I attempted to leave him floatin

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