img The Unwanted  /  Chapter 3 Dad | 5.08%
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Reading History

Chapter 3 Dad

Word Count: 1592    |    Released on: 06/09/2021

e after this week, the competition will take place. It's scary sometimes but if there ar

ut the two seem to never stop teasing each other. If I ha

ed. Her forehead was already furrowed

erd," he tease

helsea replied that make Clifford s

anced at it. A woman suddenly peeked o

man named Cheska. She's my classmate

asked, smiling. She diverted her

me? I expected not because I

I just packed my things for I can go home. Ma'am doesn't let us in our

just pass somethin

in front of me. I looked at i

es in our English subje

hought, we

tomorrow, and I'm afraid that I can't ma

no to them." she smiled with hope as she looked at me. I just

. "I will send to you the

I slightly smiled to

studies and social life. She's one of the popular stude

ul," Clifford commented t

lsea seconded. " I can't understand why Zaine won'

has his


t Chelsea while smirking. " Jane." I

helsea asked while Cliffo

s. I'm full.


aintings were surrounding this place. It's pleasing on the eyes and one of those painting

early-50's. It was aligned with the other school officials. He's wearing a tuxedo and no emo

her partners?" She aske

in the cant


wer. I want to asked her to what's the man in t

question?" She looked at my

ad," she

of this school?" I pointed the pic

of the shareholders of this school." I

the shar

him because you have b

him. He'

eacher told me about that information. Does he know that I'm studying

sh our minds for the upcoming competition. It's perfectly fine f

not approach her. I even saw the guy who

up here. I walk my way to school and when I get home. It's not far though. Just

y. This is Grandma's favorite and it is always our snack. Maybe Au

w a fancy car parked opposite the house.

ile he's talking with grandma. I don't know b

d grandma. Only then did the man


e said in a serious voice. "I think, you hav

id he

nervous about what he might do if I didn't agree to go home with him. My

stunned by what it said. It's really impossib

ously. "I don't want to be a daughter you

ez and a heiress." Dad stood up while I'

ldez and a heiress." He sighed as he s

used. "Please, gi

evident, as if he was deep in thought and eventua

duate, I will come ba


orehead. Now he just did it to me. Since our business grew, they have

ddenly hugged him. For a mo

ed from the hug. He looked

her, Flores." Grandma just n

ng. Dad already knows where I am. He gave me time to stay in my simp

gave me a smile and hugged me. I hugged hee b

you to be safe, Jane. I'm

und out. At an early age, I was separated from my family because I wanted to be free from them. I want to g

you are. No parent can let their child, hija. Even if they are far

e that to us before. They don't control

ings, but inwardly, always remember they love you." She explained. "So, after the time yo

This simple life is short-lived

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