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Reading History

Chapter 5 About Cheska

Word Count: 1151    |    Released on: 06/09/2021

et I didn't review it. I just recently saw her message to me. The next day I hurriedly going to

y. I have a hard time getting into it. I rapidly walked to passed them but I sud

eard his voice so I looked at it. I

e he gave me the books. I just nodded and quick

hen he saw I am in a hurry. I turned the lock on our room when I got in f

trict but for no apparent reason she didn't frown like what she u

y, I'm late." I just went to my p

re, smiling while discussing a lesson. We a

f that, I admire him even more. I just listened until he's over. Our adviser even

studying." Our adviser said. Someone's still clapping in front of

and quickly stood up whe


notebook I left there," she said. I just nodd

m. He looked at me

ent I seemed to be stunned by


and started walking with him. We were just quiet. I

tion that made me frown. I still ans

w," I replied. "B

lty so I entered first. He fo

got teacher's notebook from her desk. I di

ve to wait

re." It's good that I didn't stutt

ly absent." I was suddenly nervous at what he said. If Cheska's

e attendance book that my teacher told me. I don't even know why they always order it to me

lled a favorite because the

I suddenly felt nervous. We still have free time because our teacher used the time of our second subjec

approached me while Jake and D

?" Hailey said while smiling. I know Cheska isn't here, obv

didn't look like she also contributed to t

I just ignored her and turned to Jake

ause that was all Cheska gave me. Our English is at 1 pm and I o

d Dem when I finished reading our visual

ssible questions that other groups could ask to prepare our

sh again. I'm still a little nervous now. Maybe Cheska just took a half day? She's not really the k

een it yet so I just ignored it when someone suddenly t

. She entered the room yet she i

told her. I wa

" I frowned at h

en showed her what I am eat

go and eat lunch together, okay?" I refused but she s

do anything either. Whatever excu

" I answer w

hey were different from my friends back then. Maybe, they can be tru


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