img Toxic Marriage  /  Chapter 4 4 | 3.70%
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Chapter 4 4

Word Count: 1136    |    Released on: 17/09/2021

r you desire and you g

d met his menacing gaze as

et out rapid breaths in dread and turned to

t with my shaky form, su

I refused because I don't want to be in

just knew that- this guy can never be the one I deeply hoped to

I have no choice. I want Eugene to recover and f

and great fears, I went home.

She asked, tensed. I tilt my head and l

r. I leaned on it and fell on the ground. I

an easily sway with the wind. I understood what it felt li

g guy. I don't want to become his t

t Eugene in a better hospital so that he can rec

s I held dear in my heart but I


orrow. Thinking about it over and over again, I've got no cho

ed to talk to Mother, I knocked and entered

hummed and I said, "Tomorrow, I have to

osed to decide

think.." I took a deep

ngs..." I took a pause and spoke up again, "Loyalty and Sa

ould I d

glint of desperation to tell me something but it

ectable relation of husband and wife rather than a plaything which he can throw anytime. He will give you what you want and there's nothing wrong wi

After coming back to my senses I

s left with no choice, I have to marry

iety. By each second, I felt my heart being stopped. My hands and feet are cold. I was having lun

beat at his deep voice. I dug my nails in my

smirking because he knew that he left me with no

ked down and stood up and left for my room without

stare at the ceiling for I don't know how long. All my feelings were drained from me. I stood up and lo

as I put a hand on my waist and began to wonder, Why does he even want

s an epitome of beauty, what a charm she possessed, I wonder

lk around the house. I still feel like whatever happened is a dream. I continued

This holds too

bell rang. Mother was washing dishes so I had to open the door.

g in front of me. My heart began to pound as I lost my stren

! Come

ing him. On the other hand, he was amused by our reac

me in." Mother smil

uld like to take Sophie out fo

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