img Toxic Marriage  /  Chapter 5 5 | 4.63%
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Chapter 5 5

Word Count: 1066    |    Released on: 17/09/2021

alone?’ Still being bewildered by his sudden appearan

his void gaze. Since I was too shocked to say anything I stoo

odded and left. After mother left he sh

d- no he ordered. My lips formed a thin line as I look

m. I quickly changed into my casual red checked shirt and black jeans. I combed

was driving and the crushing silence took over once again. But since I ha

w how to call him so I

I began

an get any girl with your money. So

themselves as my legs went numb under his malevolent dark eyes. I looked down and sh

no matter how much you want." That's

econds, he sp

‘But, I don't.’ No matter how much I want

a gold-digger..." I said to m

oney." His cold words stab

a low depressed tone as tears brimmed in my eye

elief. He can say comfy things too? Oh, how wrong I am. He s

was trying so hard to hold rolled onto my cheek. I wr

window filled with anguish, I fe

he looked at me with those dominant and sinister eye

few inches away from me. My heart began t

I shut my eyes because of the ominous feeling building in

ain still. I sensed him moving away as I slowly opened my eyes and looked

ethal look that gives me a bad omen

r must be w-worried." I shudder in f

ed form as a smirk wa

a low but vehement tone. I lo

doing this just to know about somet

is thought off. His eyes, which hold expre

began to drive back, "Next Week." and I


k is our

early," I

oon as possible." He said monotonousl

nd I was about to le

me papers. I took them and read them. These are c

pleading lo

to you. Please don't make my marriage a busi

one. I shook my head 'no'. He he

rner of my eyes and I plead again, "Please.. don't.." But

twice." Unable to understand hi

to let out convulsed gasps of dread. He let go o

nd gave him an infuriated look. I slammed

Let me tell you one thing, Mr Christian Elvis," I said coldly. As

will be toxic f

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