img Alpha lost half  /  Chapter 1 Prologue | 1.61%
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Alpha lost half

Alpha lost half

Author: Littlizzy
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Chapter 1 Prologue

Word Count: 535    |    Released on: 21/10/2021


guards said running into the throne room. King Ronhard turne

ylvia and leave. Now!!" Ki

be there for each other, to always protect each ot

she's safe. Promise me you're going to keep her safe!!" He said

ry 3 years old Sylvia out of the throne room "an

King Ronhard barks out as 3 gua

ughter!!" He said as he gives himself over to his other

re in t

kingdom, she's one of the most powerful witches even before she was mated to the alpha king and

tle child to her trusted friend and nanny who had

you Luna?" t

look in her eyes" Please protect her and also tell her that

incess with my life!

te coven witches, make sure she's safe at all times”

chanting in a strange language, suddenly a mist-like portal appeared, an


" Came a piercing scream

s like the raging storms followed by the young

The boy's f

e from one of the

placed his hands on the boy's head and after a while, the boy's

on Abhi??" The

half is severed, it's as if he lost his other h

?" The Luna who has bee

won't be able

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