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Reading History

Chapter 2 1

Word Count: 952    |    Released on: 22/10/2021

ater (Okla


n a row without pause or stopping. An

tired of sta

d fre

sible. If the rain could just stop for an hour or t

still upset?

mpanion and sister. Well you could n

lost my memories when I was a little girl. I'm 2 ye

from Oklahoma. Well, I also love sneaking out. Don't get me wrong, I might be

Tess said throwin

t!" I said standi

window to enjoy

ways think of anyways guess what? “she

or that you're crushing on him?!" I answered half hea

y we are livin

know I don't have a crush and lest you fo

aggers at me "well I'm just trying to be optimistic,who knows you night have a crush!" I finished turning

ll you during dinner"

unexpectedly "you dare trick me!!" I said ba

s off her stomach or even get away from me."you aren’t g

enough" Mom's sweet

ss who immediately ra

r stature. They could pass off as twins while me!! well,!I'm more like an extraordina

lor. While Mom and Tess's eyes are blue, I have grey eye color mat

announced bringing me

ess asked excitedly. S

possible to have

ed off making both Tess and I ecstati

ing now!!" Tess announce

u don't want to leave Tess all by herself there o

acious appetite “let's go Mom!!" I said smiling lightly a

rust me, Tess already ate

ness.Yes we might be living in the w

looked up to see Tess trying

s worried, is it what mo

long to find out as Mo

to Oklahoma State a

of turkey in my mouth "What do you mean mom

by Mom. We don't even know how the outside world looks, occasionally, I'd wonder why we are being home schooled but

use its time!!

confused. "What do you mean Mom

ear to you. But I'll tell you everything you need to

you to know is that no matter the circumstances, you bo

that once I step outside this woods, my life will also change drastically

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