img Legend Of The Young Warlock (LOTHYWAR)  /  Chapter 2 Turned Hourglass | 33.33%
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Chapter 2 Turned Hourglass

Word Count: 1587    |    Released on: 26/10/2021


wn the spines of the couple knelt before him. Seated on his portable gold

ally. His face grim, hardly expressing his emotions.His moustache oddly sitting above his lips, giving him a face you would see in a cartoon character. Not only does his


l cut face and fine eyes started, scar

t fought... that which our warriors were hired by the kin

e strays

e eating up the faint c

ess. A woman is an offs

e'd be scolded again, savoring the hea

usband honorably that she's to be honored and preserved. But Jaith would not honor his deceased brother, nor me.

eace as King Wealen

th. What's yo

the light brownish marbled floor

which you are. You'll agree with me that a woman's word mostly is an end produc

de advances towards the seemingly loquacious Jaith, b

o my brother who died in war and had not given birth, but the stories I've heard about her

fine cedar woods of the throne. His small finge

have you heard about

speak badly of my King

rather your head

e with a fuss o

king wants, who a

shook his a

's in your way, you'll take it out. And if you see what you like, no matter how impossible it is, you'll get it for yourself. I

ally, making a wierd sou

me J

orward in h

've heard about me? If you were a k

ssionately and h

few days and feed him to them, that he might


ooking away to Elena

ou his g

family with him. Find yourself another m


he king addressed

ave the panther

s, his gr

, cladded

em. Take

he judgement, but the gaurds

to change

ough the aisle of the brown marbled floor tinted with golden glows

the ca

rds, due to the urgency, quaked, not sur

urried in and crashed bef


wn to both the deaf and dumb. Everyone must start preparing their gifts a

door flung open and their came the seldom thundero

for the wise. But a foolish Wealene would w

ce. One of his eyes covered with a black circular pad, with two ropes, supported by the left ear. He's always dressed in his black cloak with a drooping mantle wounded around his shoulders. His rod

gs wer

apped the rod on the marble as he fastened

e always meet under such ugly circumstances, Ama et

loor. The contact of the rod with the floor mysteriously left a hole, the size of the base, in the floor. Th


e advances towards the sorcer

acing the thin line of

old friend. Who knows, we might not get to talk again? The gods might


today? Who plays their

llful and purposeful. He who would father the greatest sorcerer of all time! Even though he despises the gods, his ways

s has been turned! For you shall be reduced to no

y and began to walk a

om had just been taken awa


fore the night fall, Am

though none of the sai

e, Y

throne and walked past the cluster of gua


did as he was told, tho

ncess' birthday, delay it


the wa

is grea

again in a compressed b


ere out of the world. The captain hurr

n we do,

the guards and suddenl

f the gods m

ped his hand. He walked in the left di

f the gods m

vehemence and disappeared into th

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