img Legend Of The Young Warlock (LOTHYWAR)  /  Chapter 4 Rebellious Heart | 66.67%
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Chapter 4 Rebellious Heart

Word Count: 1812    |    Released on: 26/10/2021


r mother, and

to face Kie, who was seated on the stool, had

re aw

ection, his firm frame still

that I sent

drop on the damp earth, he walked over the stool

she decided to take a walk wit

as the fellow

ust take it upon themselves for the sake of

ed and st

lready. I was already on my way

A 5”8. He had brown eyes, a sharp nose, jet black hair, a subtle beard around his cheeks, and his lips just right for his face. Quite a handsome man t

I come w

and holding it halfway, the gentle creaks escaping its hi

d rest a l

oor with him an


e straws he had gathered earlier the day

for every woman to

door of the hut creaked open as the stranger stepped i

t you don't have a thin

and Kie

n't be

n and walked a bit forw

me, at least you should be cautious of

alia sideway

e here forever. And about your name, you

and left the door to it's dark d

gh they call me

dged Talia in the


ch he kicked at the horse for speed.


eaved branches of the enormous assemblies of Banyan trees, White oaks, Quaking As

d were the gibbers of faraway orangutans, and some stray rac

f super tall trees like the fir. Kie and Talia were now travelling in slow pace, the latt

up ahead of them to the left. Talia grunted, tossing h

rel running from a hideous snake. Which y

owly until he could see the snake hunting the squirrel. He pretended to want to ca

't hunt

s handful slithering body into a fallen trunk feas

of his toes held in by the large hunting boot which sucked in

here are two other people here. C

ked back to Talia.

ly one way

d leathered stomach


e, Talia. H

re a hickory tree. There was a cave adjacent to the

of a lady, turned into a lady with

want to take

't had told yo

tically. He was thrown off her back and crashed on his side. He stood

isn't here. It's all my fault.

towards the other direction. She puffed and poked

e that was al

front of the horse who was st

e now a smar

She put her chin groove on his shoulder and nuz

now a bri

e horse began to make wi

laying me aga

ore like a squeal only that she couldn't have a grudge

what you get when you ea

past her a

lake up ahead.


birthday of the daughter of that crazy K

d and he shot

ather wouldn't it had been great. But they obviously were cut from

that asshat wis

turned immediately, standing from the st

such manner? Does your obnoxio

etty in a weird way way. Her hazel eyes color matching her glazed hazelnut hair which complemented her sleek skin fairly worn. Her petite figure completed the whole look with her upt

eturn to her with

e scoffed and mov

I walk y

folding a stern ogle. Her

al maid of the princess? A princess who could red

e laugh into a sudden frown. He

go hunt

lia and took the

l walk

d he turned slightly

st, I would send both her and her fath

a and she neighed


ked back to the princess, who was seated

s the O

before I


We both saw him from afar

her head

t. I walked into an adder on the way and ran off

ously at her for a while

sit wi

tress. I'm

no que

to sit beside her. After a few

the occasion of the call? For your bir

ncess c

een considering him up close la

widened. But she

that takes

and picked a strand

ens that we are not the master of our hearts

gled at once. Now

choice this time. How


ha mut

s go

towards the path which led to the l

l, my P

rses tied to

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