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Chapter 2 Start A New Life

Word Count: 1506    |    Released on: 18/11/2021


ce. Alana immediately got out of the car after paying her t

booked a plane ticket to Germany. Alana hopes that in that country, her life will be better. Alana i

rough an online site. Alana also does not forget to buy her necessities such



day that Alana passed by relaxing. Jungkook experienced many things while living there. Finally, Alana knows how to pr

life is, the stronger he is to face it. It's not that a happy life is a free life

er dark pages and s


oice in a dark corner of the bui

oor ne

re terrifying. For some reason his f

stubborn. Maybe you would

in wounds and blood. Surprisingly, there were only two people trying to help hi

this time," said the man and left the crow

really have been framed a

We're going to celebrate an

a doesn't recognize them, her heart compels her to help them. However, if A

who called himself Uncle was a bad man who wanted to take po

n three men. Even I who saw it embarrassed." Alana l

the way you talk is really very bold

tiful. How do we take care of he

. That's a

of these three men and after t

k you

ee men, suddenly the first man who came forward f

men also suffered the sa

onished at how shrewd and strong Alana was. The man did not thi

ief. This was the first time they had seen su

you attack me. I wi

tely moved her legs to the man's chest and Alana imme

ncident. Who would believe that a beautiful g

t even beat one gir

organization. However, now he is humiliated by

Boss." already battered,

ve time. Don't let that guy get

t no one was able to touch it because of its agile and fast moveme

with battered bodies. Meanwhile, Alana was still standing,

're a girl. Because you're already here. So now you have t

the man. One hit the man fell to the ground spitting out blood fr

mediately rushed away. Doesn't want to

ds stopped Alana. They were very lucky b

your kindness when I recover." said the man who was none othe

stion, Alana immediately went far away and was ou

y contacted Mr. Alfin.

ate the girl," he said. He wa



or Alana to continue her dream of building a company. With simple clothes witho

nvious gazes of the women who saw her appearance. Beautiful!! Men had told he

y accident, Alana's eyes saw an act of theft committed by a man. The man carefully put his hand into th

the victim whose wallet was taken. Without the man knowing. He was followed by someone and continued to walk into

Alana leaned against the wall direc


saw a woman nearby. The man did not realize that his actions and deeds were known

hat en

d bett

ch do yo

. The man did not answer Alana, instead the man asked

rich and arrogant little girl. You don

ith money, but you

erson who talks a lot and s

man approached Alana to teach him a le

ckly so that the man was exhausted and stopped. The

ou want?" t

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