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Chapter 3 Creating a New Company

Word Count: 1410    |    Released on: 18/11/2021

ou want?"

you. And in return I will help you. Whatever you

he man looked into the eyes of Alana who was in front of

for the past two years. After the man was fire

" the man asked. The man began t

away. But you have to keep your promise first. If you don't, I'll

s more mature than Alana who is just a girl. Ho

dollars. I have to take

number and I'll send

Alana. Alana immediately sent the money. W

is my home address. Come ove

Today was enough for his quest. Alana is grateful for being able to meet

cial guest at her house. The man looked at

going to do som

sentative. I will put you in charge of managing the fi

ng the day, without rain in th


. If he was ordered to kill, it sounded normal to his ears. However, setting up

Virus. This application will protect every computer or mobile phone

question the man asked. His mission

o you have in the

I can create this appl

omers. You know I've been fired from my company a long time ago. A

company. The man was able to make an ordinary

They asked him to manage the business together. And when everything was under control, the ma

at. Even if you're like tha

-hearted little girl like Alana. Alana has helped her sister live and now Alana has made herself

ve in my words that you will not

onvincing with sweet words. Alana pre

promise to make this company the

the man could see that it wasn't all that Alana had imagined. There is a stron

you to get your re

e was almost the same as his. Both are trapped and thrown away when they are no longer needed. It's

r that moment,

d God for bringing him together with Alana. Now the man i

er. My name is Alana." Alana

e Ronald." Ronald welcomed Alana's hand. Ronald was

Ronald's broth

Alana is not a proud girl. It's just that Alana is a little difficult to ap

call yo

do you l

d his brother will soon be expelled by the owner of the con

kicked out soon. So I have to find

The house is quite big. Onl

t want to bother you. There will be a lot of slander l

ald also did not want to trouble Alana. Ronald also feels

't worry. Auntie will tell people that

I'll bring my sist


for Aunt who works at her house to pr

at Alana's house. They didn't carry much

m. I'm Ronald and this

osita. Come on in! Miss Alana has to

k you,

that had been prepared for them both. Ronald and Rosita followed behind

room and next to it i

when they saw the contents of the room. Fill a room that is so

uys stay here. And

Hana," th

stays first. Auntie will

to their respective rooms

ut their things in the close

be free from the slum house and are no longer hu

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