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My Arrogant boss my crazy secretary

My Arrogant boss my crazy secretary

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Chapter 1 Morning call

Word Count: 1078    |    Released on: 31/03/2022

ove was not t


pter o

ra pr

have your breakfast" my kid si

red " I said and

e from the party around two am

for this one day

you for breakfast am going " sh

ave a kid sister who is now Sixteen and tries to boss me around . I am a duplicate of my mum, the same black hair, big

dad left us i don't want to go into that matt

hair behaves like my

hone snapped me o

re you?" I said,

ding this night party " my bestie

I'm the heart of ev

otten a dress? " my

have" I said wi

done in the next fifteen min

and hung up the phone before she said anything because she will w

cked my hard into a ponyta

wnstairs" I heard my mum say

te mum " I sai

myself som

s, they are the best " I said in

" I heard

, chewing o

avior and look for a job? " my mum sa

mum. I will get a job when

en you are always busy atte

m" my sister said a

for adults," my mum t

going to another part

party , party is my thing mum

id . And she left for school and my mum

a job but I don't have the str


s we were going to one of Mirabel's friends '

en held a

are late " I

e late for a club " she

" I murmured a

lub people were dan

they were scre

waved at them and th

et's sit over her

ike dancing, "

nt to the

eling the music and they were clappin

here you are dancing?

n't have to make a big deal about

ave to huh

bel dragged me out of the

ust you drag me anytime I want to deal with some

about looking for tro

ike this you know " I s

a drink for us, "

ack with s

drinks " I said

drunk so your mum won't gr

I said

not a child you know" I said with my hands

ike a child, " she sai

mised my mum I would be home before 10:00

k ! " And look

d some mud and started w

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