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Chapter 2 Party time

Word Count: 1050    |    Released on: 31/03/2022

love was not

mised my mum I will be home before 10:00

a car splash

k ! " And look

d some mud and started w

ked on th

without looking at me

d mud on me " I sa

he brought

handsome yet arrogant

ight "I said with the mud

reless on the road " he said and I brought out my han

agged me t

ho is that " sh

at her like some

. O of designer c

hould go around splashing

you "she said placing

care "

t " I heard someone say beh

has cleaned the mud but som

me treat people walking on the

ur with a slit from the legs to the waist it was simply beautiful she has a long woven hair with big dazzling jewe

suit you won't be able to repay him for

re how much it cost next time if he tries this behavior I wil

ack by what I said . And I dragged

rson p

nk she is huh " I

move your suit " Angela said as

d and she looked at me with s

in our night " she said making attempt to

la" I said not takin

y " she sai

ut " I

e said with

eave before things get wost

to get home " she sai

threw the money at the face and


la pro

is now ruined because of a comm

my fashion business now it has be

Don't worry I will come for you . You will reg

stopped in

ly by this time of the night " but

g lost your w

" I

do you live

ago "

y far how did you g

by my boyfriend in middle of no whe

will get you home " he s

you " I

he said and I go


you " he said with his

ame " I said

a beautiful lady " he s

ou give me your

one in that Anderson ca

e sto

top the car " I

on like Anderson magul " he said wit

" I

n angel like it's not acceptable "

him farewell and headed to my house it

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