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Chapter 3 What the fall.

Word Count: 1081    |    Released on: 15/04/2022

n Dav

the class and still

t who look handsome without doing anything can even look hand

't looked Mr. Fin

look while smiling? delicious, charming, cute, ugly? N

uring sex or after se

if he is going to kick m

puppy face and in response, I got

t hurts." and his rude wor

't know why and same like my brother he had been keeping his eye o

ally why even can't these noisy boys le

turing like every Thu

ir making his hair go wild and sa

e and said "You insult me your

ng how dare this nerdy call, Mr.

y my hand otherwise I am

wonder woman who is going to ki

hair go it's so painful " Ahh n

anything he grabbed me by my hand twisting it at my back, believe me, he is n

g his best friend if I can't even call one of the hottest,

him and said,

tle more I know he is going easy on me but hey

sness about insulting his best friend in front of ever

and accepting that I am at fault now stop fig

scanning the class an

ng on his forehead making him look sexy

hear it and shows my puppy eye which is re

on him and that's a true look at

he bag and ran toward the door but before going out I didn't forget to

I was looking at him and running forward with my head tu

my head in front only to find the wall I collide is

tumbled more and I stumbled like a cartoo

is hand on my waist and pulling me toward

t wishful as soon as I fall on my butt making me feel like my round perfe

fall I said "

s eye and said " mis

sly and said, "

ting him to give me a h

gain, it's the second time on th

eing smirked at but him smirking at me

is he not giv

ame and help m

is always ready

urned to Mr.Finley and said: " I am sorr

. David but damn no he opened his mouth to drop an atom bomb " Mrs.

tarts going tow

meless and stubborn I screamed saying " Mr. Finley I ha

around and said, "

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