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Chapter 6 Feeling Something For Miss David

Word Count: 1382    |    Released on: 15/04/2022


business partner Carol giving me an o

coming from three is incredible so, have been thinking

tion I asked carol " have you br

partner but also my friend,

said, " Are you s

esitating and saying with a stern voice

t a file from his side bag a

s that greeted me are amazing w

ures I look through the content of th

nah either it's carol or someone else no on

hen he said " What does it feel l

d after talking sips, I said: " Nothing, you know hear

ye at me and said "

t my phone and

d by my answer but yes, a

king at her with interest cause I know his next question

So, what are you go

wine in my hand and s

aid "It looks like it's

, " Everything I d

was about to go but all of a sudden h

rsyn in our business world

ee but then why did rose t

and isn't even interested to know who is so

emember from my experience I think Rose only ask

ything that's not my concern so I s

toward my bedroom where no one i

droom I saw rose on my

n my room on my bed I

ide my room and she d

eductively smiled and said

andy it must be my negligen

and looking at rose's expression it's clea

re must be a smirk on my fa

am I don't like any

rd to make herself calm and cont

th my knuckle making her smile in victory as she mu

and I grabbed her neck and squeezed it enough

make my hand lose but I am

and and she is being disobedient a

er life I let my hand go and said with a da

liva dripping and she v

fearing me I like to kee

how I am worthy of my post

have listened earlier from rumors or another

to rose to recover after

n the library afte

p and runs o

hake my house " Bentle

ead, she is a 50-year woman

e as much as my mother. L

rried because of

so the leader of

her father came to me with a proposal that he will su

investigation rose love someone else from her college and she still has affair with that very guy a

g at the detail in th

door, I pointed toward the

toward the

What are yo

ook he

nyone making m

aking a rose flinch in fright an

king " Nothing I just want to kee

oesn't lover satisfy you tha

't say a

dient and you will not lose your title am

ook he

now the way s

hin with my index finger and said " w

k anything and

.. I was said someone is a threat t

"I dare you to keep your people following

her behavior and asked i

she asked " who is

unknown feeling arouse in my h


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