img The Alpha Mate Is a Witch  /  Chapter 4 Missing | 5.88%
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Chapter 4 Missing

Word Count: 1131    |    Released on: 28/11/2022



ance state. I looked at them who were looking at me with a worried express

ou okay

a beta)i asked


me confused by m

s seei


s she

ing that asked at the

is seeing a m



ted at the same time with voices

do you


e princess with a munezine monster, she was smilin

princess can't possibl

sounded, he was one of the elders who were head over h


ional vision, are y


kes you think I will say it here so confident, am a prie

d to be worried for the princess and thinking of how to control it. The elders turned to the king to

s get back to the issue that brought you he

rom the princess issue, at the very least, the mubezine monsters

outside, I have so

ng and to my sur


at the king is beginning to take the matter seriously, but i


there is no time, in her vision it is only today they have to

mething to

said that, I

cement you want to

e king right ha

rs with his burning gaze for at

und m

a luna and the future of their kingdom will be secured. But what they don't understand is what the king seem unfazed or rather angry at the fact that he found his mate, he has been searching for his mate for a long time now, it is supposed to be a thing of joy to him, but no he looked like he is gonna kill someone, as far as they remembered, King Al

me, not right now,' they agreed to keep this a secret until they are prepared for it. So what is this now, what changed his mind, is he tha

r ma

eading gaze, silently begging him not to

I don't think it is time for that now, w

iestess, she has never been scared of King Alex before now, so why the sudden trembling in her voice whe

, but we have to settle this upcoming war first before the royal wedding and

l hinder him from completing his mating ritual, said this to encourage the king. But what he don

Nahele, cause I don't see the rea

e, I also kept shaking my head to him, signaling

ate is ....... A WITCH, the high priestess

oes it feel like this whole thing is not what is seem like on t

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