img The Alpha Mate Is a Witch  /  Chapter 5 Missing 2 | 7.35%
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Chapter 5 Missing 2

Word Count: 1135    |    Released on: 28/11/2022



ahele, cause I don't see the reas

e, I also kept shaking my head to him, signaling

ate is ....... A WITCH, the high priestess

oes it feel like this whole thing is not what is seem like on t


ue, the moon goddess can't just bestow this kingdom with a witch Queen, they haven't done anything that would warrant her r

aid, you do know that this can cause damage to t

ather annoyed a

f feeling the mate bond or that am so stupid that I wi

, not daring to meet their gaze, but after a second thought, she looked back at them, it is not like it is her fault that she is his mate, it is a natural thing. She is not th

ing to take us unawares, so I humbly suggest that we leave this issue, when we are ready for the war or aft

d furious gazes. The king slowly made his way towa

r not, I will never ma


opped drastically, to show how angry he had become, he wanted to say something to me again when he saw my indifference

eting i


continued walking down the stairs and out of the throne hall

wait for us, go back first, when we don

saw that they had no

ome, so we can as well wait here, this matter is mak

d walked out of the throne hall too, with the king temper, am sure he won't come back here, I wa

that you p

when I saw

ave to do is to see the vision, interpret

nd chilling voice. And I decided

my fault that am your mate, I didn't make myself your m

eves there is no such thing, if you love someone with all your heart like he used to tell her then, you can't just wake up one morning and start saying you hate him/her, that's not possible, that's the most ridiculous fact of the planet, she believes if it is as he claims, then he


t please, why do you

that this is affecting me, even though am dying silently, I want him to know that if he don't want me, am not going to kneel and row on the floor for him to accept me back, I

s to the front line, I think they will be able to hold them b

reality and was shocked when

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