img From Bars To Boss: The Mafia Boss's Rise!  /  Chapter 2 Hospital Noise. | 6.67%
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Chapter 2 Hospital Noise.

Word Count: 1599    |    Released on: 07/11/2023

to proceed wi

rough the room, and Jonathan, with

with rage were

ll you, I'm Devlin Thomas, my friends here in Elite Summit call me 'Thomas the

ring further delay might lead to complications. Theref

that this man, hearing of his fame, w

highly esteemed in Elite Summit,

coldly: "I've heard of your fame

eatre observed, noticing that the two Jonathans

hey hear Thomas's name a

they have pow

f you're the second Thomas or the third Thomas. The bottom line is, if you

, everyone in the

, and they were just tw

ive years ago and had to go to jail. I understand your love for your daughter, but your wife, Orla William, has sold Carla to our Thomas

burst int

me reputable figure,

ecently released criminal dares to mess

d he'll also lo

to argue, but Jonathan he

ter. Of course, you can refuse, but I will rescue my daughter from the operat

s, the crowd was stunned, then

oy our Thomas family, based on you alone? Moreover, do you even have

ha h

rds with him. I’ll have h

have ninety million million USD. Even if you had one b

money. Not to mention her marrow, even her life belongs to the Thomas family. I

from this world is not diff

nt: “I prefer the absence of logic. I wan

o believe this world has no l

ht, alright, wh

lright’ three times, reac

Thomas family like this, and he was about to orde

ake, in a gray suit, led a few people i

ace, Roger asked:

ily, including Kane, shifted dramatically. This

nd if it weren’t for this man dragging out ti

g his cold gaze towards Roger: “I hav

oice, Roger immediat

ddenly bowed, expressing prof

Everyone exclai

assets in the tens of billions, showed such reverence

e of tumult. Not just them,

! Things were

delay. A glance told him there was a p

ot allowed to touch her? You even agreed with me! Now if you don’t give me a reasonable expl

ake, do you think the Thomas family fears you? Don’t try to threaten me. Let Rise & Shine

confronted each other, and no


have noticed the people

iduals successively stood u

incent Smith, would also like to see

, and I wonder if a newcomer like me, Aidan

ter’s daughter, I, Stephen Ric

ses all t

, the chairma

oss of X-Absolutel

er 20 bars and karaoke

t Elite Summit and could be consi

all speaking

anyone noticed these three because

ryone was ut

ombined force of these

emed destined t

h greets the

greets the

rd greets the

s in Elite Summit, like Roger Jake,

istance, they placed Jonath

his voice low and stern, and asked: “Now, do I

still laugh? Who could ev

ng, it’s all a misunderstandin

Smith, Aidan Reece,

ly looked at Jonathan, ho

erstand. You’re the new

as utterly

a scary place, ren

ster of Top

h, their gaze upon Jonatha

e originated

g Top Sky, and low-ranking Top Sky, encompassing almost all

House was no less impressi

existence at its peak for ordinary people, with all the asse

eigned supreme

he master of this

that could shake

inite: “So, you’re aware of Top-Sky House. Now tell me

my mistake. Please give me a chanc

ible now, and thi

ion from some sources that a new maste

ct from figures like Roger Jake and Aidan Reece, who bear the tit

was no

d what Top-Sky House meant, but it must be no simple ma

come even more for

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