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Chapter 3 Get Justice For The Daughter!

Word Count: 1675    |    Released on: 07/11/2023


ee Carla and had no time

unsightly, but h

s marrow, his daugh

g Carla Wang’s marrow into Neala,

you leav

d son. Why was he still standing

operating roo

ce, leading a plump little

similar to Jonathan’s, but she was somewhat chubby

ter, then who was she? Jonathan’s eyes f

dergo surgery anymore! Carla is st

to go through this surgery.

t would be unparalleled if not

Carla out, pleading with Kane a

ht be tolerable, but the amount she needed

functions to age or even b


g Carla, very heartbroken: “Carla

least 35 kilograms, and she’

le T

rst into tears of self-pity: “Uncle Tommy

an force you to have surgery. Don

y held Carla u

yes: "My dear, a year ago, Carla was just over 20

y daddy?" Carla a

I'm yo

eavily, and his voi

ala, the corners of h

they have made a 20-kilogram child

o tears, her voice choked: "I'm sorry, I didn

arla doesn't want

rm Neala. The child quickly wriggled out of Tommy's embr

be her father was too unfamiliar, l

he's a ba

was gentle when

d she's very nice to m

a child, she didn't understand

h between who was kind a

ers were in their throats, and their

g time: "Carla, come to Daddy

ng: "Then can Carla see Mommy? Carla hasn't seen M

sharp stake driven strai

daughter she had sold

let Daddy hold you." Jonathan bent down,

t's find

the longing for her mother and f

ghter, gradually calming his mood. He said nothing mo

His gaze fell on Neala with cold in

leukemia, not so

family members wiped the sweat fro

from Roger's side needed to stay within their

s hastily pulled him back, whispering: "

omas family nor uttering

alled you, but you didn't listen. Now you

g away. With their young master that fu

at do we

k with leukemia. Great, now the e

We should offer Neala up t

nt, and everyone bega

this point that Carla's father was an influential figure that

full responsibility and won't let the Thomas f

all this and should

ase Jonathan's anger, but what could he do when f

omething: "Neala, isn't C


, but she clearly remem

he engagement day of Mr. W

mountain, ins

led a royal palace, yet she was too timid to touch a

future. Do you like it, Carla

us mansion in Elite Summit, developed

t expensive in the city, never put up fo

ou say you would take Carla to see Mom?

her right now. In three days, it'll be your sixth birthday. Mom will come to see you then, and she will

ered Carla's bi

erfect!" Carla n

mmy will take you to the playroom. Your d

, ok

ment, Carla was quiet but obediently

relief. At least he could cope the next tw

d his hand: “Giv

m with a cigarette

t to say somethi

eep puffs of his cigare

man for Mrs. Wang to sell her daughter for fifty milli

hut his mouth to gauge his master’

what you’re saying. I’m just wondering how to te

nsidered everything, so

o to school. If I’m not here, you are responsible for

r was nearly

child beneath him as a chairman of t

g him with Carla’s care wa

ng master, rest assured, a


la’s birthday is in three days. I haven’t been able to be with her on her birthday for years, and

of the Way Heaven Hotel for you to celebrat


Orla also held her engagement

re t

moment, then said: “Also, that girl named Adela Kyle

it was a fact that Jon

le or should compensate

or Carla’s kindergarten the day, person

e would recover quickly with a

rn home to plan and didn

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