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Alpha Betrayal

Alpha Betrayal

Author: Chris.O
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Chapter 1 The Encounter

Word Count: 1019    |    Released on: 19/03/2024

p to see strange faces in my

," Andrea c

can I help you? You are tres

urt you Anna. At leas

d, what do you want

ke to welcome you to our

t came here to live my life

ething that we want from you, although not ripened yet. So t

it?" Anna

will get to know wh

my door is locked and this room is locked a

ce number, when Thomas roared at her, dragged th

only letting you go because you are useful t

and shaking, all her life she had never

" she said

at to do or who to call, she just sat on her bed,

e back." A

anymore, she had to look for something to do just

a said," slapping her face and pinching hersel

and to get her off the house. She got into a very old crampy store, there wa

d morning."

lp you?" The

work when I saw the sign board that said, vacancy o

y?" The ol

it's Anna."

?" He

s Anna Michae

e, Don't stay up late at night walking down the stre

I don't understand.

art now if you want. And by the way, call m

ot to disappoint you, but do you mind tel

ls." Mr Hath

ks around the neighborhood cause it has been prohibited, by Top Governme

to the sign boa

rough here last week. She must ha

signs which clearly says "No trespassing" A

hrough this boarder and come into our terr

nna," Ra

they need."

nd what you are talking about, c

Hank can you go home and tell dad that Anna is in

Anna?" H

?!!..Matt yelled. My dad would u

on't." Ra

eg could carry him, witho

talking." J

ou all know how my dad and I go for a r

What happened?

, and how she is going to be the only perso

es she have super powers

she needs to be protected at all cost, because she has the ultimatel

ost, can you rec

nd his men searchi

?" Ale

without that blood they are nothing. But once they take a sip of Anna's blood, it will make them stronger. They will take over our

ot good"

t to do, we need to go meet the pac

aiting for the

someone is co

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