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Reading History

Chapter 5 Past History

Word Count: 1085    |    Released on: 21/03/2024

alm. Some of the Alpha's who were affected by

bout to be prosecuted. Matt decided to pay her a visit. Although it was against

u doing here

ask you a questi

I don't know what it is you all

you, and I need you to give m


all the other day, what were

g here all alone?

ane Raina?"

e been avoiding me and insulting me all

need to be quiet about, get

know the punishment for trespassing into

u can go tell it to his face for all I care, but one thing is for sure, the blood o

cent Matt, she i

rst than her" M

." Rain

ng. Some may guess that she had someth

in love with y

e I plug your teeth

l, Mr Hathaway's m

ated to him?

ed in Alaska, came down to work and earned a living that's all.


e a mother."

tening her, with his long Sharp fing

gh Son" Doye

ed at me"

se don't hurt me, pl

a quiet to stay, a place where he co

is mothe

one. Is that too much

veness, but you don't listen to me, now y

e got into our city this whole town has been living in fear, knowing

the wrong Anna"

g me right now

other, then I believe her, besides maybe your father hasn't told you, but Bella, Anna's mother, is someo

w her?"

story" his

now her too

although it's been a really long time and he may not remember all

et to know Anna better, and who we

busy staring at her, including Doye

ack" Raina

l up Raina,"

on to tell me what to do J

ct, you know. A


ore word from you and I promise, you are

dare" Raina

r to her, as she

are me."

at each other for long

" Doye

r" Alex


leaving the rest of the

Doyen cal

" Jerry

r" Doyen

aina said

derstand what was going on, he saw both D

ent for me"

the pack are in their various houses, and you and t

nus said. Le

oing on? "

ything you need to know, Maybe it will

forget anyth

telling us the t

I heard you call her n

Matt mot

you have a picture of

nicate with their thoughts. Doyen was the o

anything about your pare

n't. I will be delighted if you tel

picture and yes. Bella is her name, sh

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