img The Billionaire Mafia Bad Romance  /  Chapter 3 03 | 60.00%
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Chapter 3 03

Word Count: 1218    |    Released on: 07/04/2024

ch. I was sitting in the conference room with executives and

moved their jackets while the other half had come in without them. I was the only one th

ught. It had been five months now and he had not said anything to me, not e

e sat. She placed a blue file in front of him and a red one by his right. Then she moved back pulling out a small notebook and pen

of her glasses as they spoke nodding t

ushed the brim of her glasses up on her nose and took down more notes. I eyed her figure, she

cts. My hair had fallen out considerably this month. Her breasts were full a

utives around here? But she still looked at me, waiting for me to say something, or had she heard the though

a question, we are wai

ir eyes on me, well except the man that sat at the head table, h

sense we w

notes then looked back at me then bent down again to

om various customers and our main clients. I must say we did come up with a very good solution


he tried recalling the man's nam

y would not be the same without you." He shook the man's hands a

ow we were sh

not directly behind Kyle. The man whispered back. "He e

say, I wonder why? "And for how

ed at her. "I would say," He began countin


ed what her zodiac sign was. Cancer? No she couldn't have the same sign as me, call it intuition, she seemed more of Pisces

rumbled on and on about something but I ignored him, focusing my gaze on the woman th

not on

eet and picked up his jacket, not giving me a glance, he strode out of the room. I looked at

on my waist. I took the small fleet of stairs that lead to the upper rooms and walked through the hall, casually taking in the new

iately resented the colours of her gorgeous eyes. S

office. She got to her feet and came after me, if she

, but he asked no

back at the distance between wher

s?" I asked and she gave me a disgusted a


t to be disturbed." She stated more firm

I crossed the little d

. And talk about the last time we had sex. I could feel the wetness in between m

old desk. He sat by the window playing with a pen, pushing its cove


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