img The Billionaire Mafia Bad Romance  /  Chapter 4 04 | 80.00%
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Chapter 4 04

Word Count: 1420    |    Released on: 07/04/2024

He still stared out the vast window and looked down at th

p down cum. I bent and rubbed my hands along his torso from the back, inhaling the smell of his hair and feeling his soft skin even thou

his ear as I bit on his soft skin. The pain from my back rushed through my body a

razed my lips, he could still get hard for me. I placed my left hand in between

ave been ignoring me, why

e back. I hit his desk and half the papers that where on were knocked off. He stood and motioned for the door but I grabbed him short of t

ants area and squeezed on him, he sucked in a breath but I covered my mouth with his. He gripped my hands and turned us so that my front was pressed against the shelf and my back was to him. He pres

he brat called out and Kyle dragged himself

out harshly. But she stood her ground. "I

don't you see

d, I would make sure to tell everyone not to come in as chemistry is h

my feet. Then her gaze landed on my leg and she pointed down. "You have a bit of- there is-well it

and she grinned. "I

d or what? Get

me to stay. My bad sir, I will be on my way sir." But she still stood there, looking everywhere b

t Pa

waiting for you, and it is either you go to the conference room to meet him or he could come here to meet up with you? I

arth did s

ng on her face. I looked back at Kyle and saw the tip of his pink shaft before h

open door with her back to us. I was already scheming on how

ed. "Have someone clean up this mess." Before brushing his shoulders aga

is whore' I do not serve you. Have this mess cleaned up." She slammed t


not remember. I went into Kyle's private bathroom and pulled out a small mirror. Getting on my knees I moved my pant aside as I checked my coochie, nothing was wrong with it, pro

t that hang above the bathtub. I walked to it turned on the tap to full capacity and made sure the water was not too hot nor too cold. I got on my hands and knees and angled

felt weak and I almost dropped to the white ceramic bottom. After the last string of curses left my mouth, I took satisf

pots. Then I sprayed water around the tub clea

s to me of course. I pondered between a tampon and a pad. And went for the former. I raised my leg up so as to push the soft material in and then something popped out of

d that c

e still shown. It had a bit of mould and a really bad smell. But the question was who? No the who

t." I said as I looked at the half

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