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Chapter 1 Episode one

Word Count: 1527    |    Released on: 01/05/2021




vous pouvez faire!" Master Ekon snarled from

ortel!" He yelled. (Let

at my Opponent but he didn't sway under th

comme ça!" (Don't

Opponent but I was too e

said in a raised tone but I d

of my body was sweaty, chest rising and falling, heartbeat at a fast rate. Master Ekon crouched down and looked straight at me. Two hours of intensive training isn

o destroy Darkne

ght’ in my reflection each

yelled again, hitting the ring floor i

d harshly into my ea

need you to exercise the power in you! U

witch but I've never considered myself as one because I have never paid much attention to my powers or maybe I concealed them just to fill like

rpowers or me being a Powerful Witch. Although I didn't know I was a Powerful Witch or a Li

of Seven comprising of 3 women and 4 Men. The leader claim

t to me that dad belonged to a "SuperHero Crew

e"The leader named Thibault Sai

mon aide?" I asked with a wide

some mysterious outfits. They looked

s?" He asked (Do yo

cils!.” I raised my

medecine" I answered in French (I am

ed at my respons

like a clow

you are

out of Seven spoke up an

n Agreement. Lumière

Lumière?" Thibault asked I tried to make se

plied in F

ites?" Thibault asked again

?" I asked in a

acites?! I asked myself within. (H


es une sorciere" a woman blurted an

damn straight! And I panicked! No

heart. He's a dreadful being." the young lady said with a disgusting look on her face. Thibault glared at her again "What? Sir Thibault, let her know the truth since she doesn't remember anything. It obvious someone wiped out her memory. She doesn't even remember me,or maybe she's pretending.” she blabbed "Keep quiet Fleur!" He said loudly Oh! Her name is Fleur! Fleur? And I don't remember her. She said the one I'm to destroy is someone I hate with all my heart. Well I don't remember hating anyone. I am an easy going person, I like minding my business. I'm an introvert and a very shy girl. "Who is this dreadful person?" I asked "Lumière, are you sure you don't know what I'm talking about?" Thibault asked "I'm confused" I muttered sincerely "It's okay. There's a being lurking around to destroy innocent lives.” "Who is he?" "Ange Noir" he said "Ange Noir?" I repeated. Thibault brushed a strand of hair from my face. "Lumière, if you want to know more about this person then reached me on this line but before you make your decision, talk to your mom. She knows better." He said as he dropped a piece of paper into my palm before patting my shoulder in a fatherly way. Seriously I missed having a Father in Life! "The League of Heroes and everyone in the Supernatural world is counting on you so don't let us down.” He stepped backward. And in a flash he created portals and they disappeared before I could let out the series of questions in my head. Ho

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