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Chapter 2 Episode Two

Word Count: 1519    |    Released on: 03/05/2021




out us?" He asked "What?" "She was -" "Fous le camp de ma maison Marco!" She screamed (Get the hell out of my home Marco!) I jumped in fear because I haven't heard her scream that much. In a swift movement my mom faced me, looking different, her eyes darkened as she placed her hands at the sides of my head again. Why is she always doing this to me? I pondered "No,No,mom" I moved away from her "Get back here Lumière!" She said in a harsh tone. J'etais effrayé! I was scared I wanted to know what she was hiding but I couldn't disobey her. I could never stand a chance of going against her orders. "Ne va pas à sa Lumière.” Marco said (Don't go to her Lumiere) He grabbed my wrist and pulled me away from my mom. "Sie können ihr Gedachtris nicht löschen!" A woman snarled in German. (You can't erase her memory) What? Wipe out my memory?! My eyes widened as realization hit me straight in the face. She wiped out my memory each time she placed her hands at the sides of my head! How come she was able to do that without having powers?! And why? I wondered. A loud sound stunned me out of thought. My mom slapped Marco and his head fell to one side. I gasped in shock. "She's my child and I can do whatever to her!" Marco pushed me to his team and they surrounded me, leaving me in the circle. No doubt, mom knew these strangers. "Nul doute que ma mère connaissait ces etrangers" Marco said In a low tone (She would have been our child) What? I sensed a connection between them. What's going on? "I'm not Darcy but Aimee!" She snapped Why did she wipe my memory? Why did she hide so many things from me? Why did she ban me from using magic? Why? Why so many why's? I couldn't give a definite answer to these questions in my head. I was oblivious of so many things concerning my mom. “Sues kenne die Regeln, aber sie haben sie gebrochen!" Marco barked (in German) (You know the rules, but you broke them) "Ich gehore nicht mehr zur liga!" My mom replied (I don't belong to the League anymore!) "Aber du warst einmal ein Bösewicht wie wir!" Marco laughed (You were once a Villian like us) What?! Did he just say Villian?! Our gaze locked. "I..Ist es wahr?" I asked her. (Is it true?) "Tell her the truth Darcy, you can't keep wiping out her memory. It'll only weaken the Light ability in her. Do you even know what sort of power you posses Lumière?" Marco said, turning to look at me. I gave him a slow negative nod. "Du bist etwas Besonderes" He added (You are special) Then he faced my mom again. "Darcy.." He reached out to touch her cheeks but she stepped away. "Bitte geh" she muttered (Please Leave Marco) If she was a Villian, that means - Mom has Superpowers! Unbel

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