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Chapter 4 Episode Four

Word Count: 921    |    Released on: 03/05/2021




u were doing fine when the doctor checked me.” She smiled. Something strange happened during the check up. The Female Doctor had "second sight ability". The ability to see future and past events. She saw that I was a light because I was born of an impossible union. (Light and Darkness coming together as one) impossible Union but it happened, probably because my mom had a change of heart. She wanted to be good for Dad. He changed so many things about her, like her name Darcy which means "Dark" was changed to Aimee meaning Beloved. She stopped being a Villain! But he didn't succeed In changing her "Temper". Mom has a very bad temper, you can see how she changed when those strangers stormed our home. And in the end they got married! The SVS refused to turn in "The Indestructible Being" to the Supernatural Force. He was created to destroy "The Hero World". The Villain have always been defeated by the Heroes during Wars. So wanting Victory in the next war, they created "A Demon" Ten Years ago. (End of story) "The whole team is counting on you Lumière.” Coach Ekon smoothened wet hair from my face. My chest rising and falling! I was extremely tired, hands and feet aching from punches and kicks towards My Superhuman Opponent. He was a big man with very big nuscles. Kalmin was just 22, but he looks bigger when transformed using his Superhuman Strength. I wasn't permitted to use my magic during practice. If not, just a blink of an eye would bring Kalmin down. "Ca..can we take a break?" I muttered shakily. Coach Ekon stared at me while I held a pleading look. Sir Thibault thinks that learning martial arts without using powers was a better chance to defeat Ange Noir. Who is

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