img A Beauty In Nerd Disguise  /  Chapter 2 Could this day get any worse. | 6.06%
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Chapter 2 Could this day get any worse.

Word Count: 706    |    Released on: 13/07/2021

at I didn't need to suffer from their insults saying that I'm a teacher's pet. I never do anything that Invite

be a disaster if I fight him. I can take down him easily but that would really will bring unnece

uise if it was not for that accident, my life wouldn't be such a mess. I really hope I can move on from my past one day because it's

eteria and bought sandwich and other snacks, ho

cold liquid being poured onto my head and running down my back. I bite my lip to refrain myse

ce to cool down." The Queen Bee informs everyone with a smirk on her fa

y you, you're dumb enough to spill juice on people and you know you have to clean it up. One more, if I look hot today then you'

one is shocked at what I have just said as I never retorted before but n

elf up. The face Jessica made to me was priceless, I can't control my laughter any longer. Bu


en history repeats itself and I run into a wall again

g?" The jerk that I don't want to see ever again yells

T have happened." I say, emphasizing on the word Not. I have had enough of all this dr

u’re talking to?" He seethe

to know you

." He states, before pushing me to the side an

what have I gotten myself into? I have to go plan m

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