img A Beauty In Nerd Disguise  /  Chapter 3 I could already become a cake. | 9.09%
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Chapter 3 I could already become a cake.

Word Count: 626    |    Released on: 13/07/2021

go home. I quickly walk to my locker and

Jayden. I can tell that he is still pissed o

en feel a hand stopping and yanking

reak free from his grip but then remembering that I should keep my pr

I will break your wr

oint in resisting and I notice

ere. I recognize as one of them b

antly. His whole gang are here

here" Jessica sh


wn, not wanting t

he plan" Sh

ward and grab my hands and drag me away f

is nerd a warning and to show her not t

ll shout at t

lower my head so they don't break my glasses. I can see Jayden standing

and I star

start throwing again,

r them. I stand there with h

you got?" I

stare at me

Don't you know how hard it is to clean up this mess? Omg, I feel sorry and pity for the j

he mess though” someone from the crowd said as I ignore him. “ Ma

ace the gang. " FU*K! YOU GUYS ARE SO CHILDISH LIKE A FU*KING 5 YEARS OLD. You should be ashamed of yourself, did you

I flip my hair over my shoulder as I turn around and walk out o

you are trouble Jayden. Woah, Taylor Swift much aren't we? I thin

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