img A Beauty In Nerd Disguise  /  Chapter 5 I will be winning this bet | 15.15%
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Chapter 5 I will be winning this bet

Word Count: 1017    |    Released on: 13/07/2021

t the words aren't registering in my head. Vi why are you like this? Why does problems always managed to find it ways to my l

that freaking jock. But if I kill him, his family will h

brain and decide to go get some lunch instead, at a nearby

I see nothing, until my eyes land on someone I don't want to see or speak to aga

nd me. What does he wants?!. I look up and see someone sits down at my table, more sp

ht face, not lowering my pride because I'm obs

motionless and I like my current self which I wish I will ne

is face. I wish I could slap him until that smirk fade away fro

out, with my fist balled under the table so he d

says as the smirk falls from his face. Was it such a s

eah, right

nts gave it to me, so I'd know."

on my face. I want to say something bu

you heard was my fork and spoon clicking when I was eating my lunch. Whil

I quickly eat, pay up and leave the restaurant. Actually it's my first time

ou doing next." Jayden as

ion him as I slow do

flower in Japane

that." I roll my

all me by my real name. It's Alexan

him, instead I

before breaking out into a sprint and running all the way back home. I di

ome. I started to feel hopeless. I pull out my books from sch

ckly take my sleeping pill that is inside my locker beside the bed, I can't sle

creaming then running to the toilet and puking my guts out. I get


my locker and grab the necessary book I need for the first period. I walk to my

alk away because I don't care what they are talking about but i

y thinks she is special because I told her my real name. I will be winnin

I don't feel anything but I do have to

to Vi, you already have nightmares and you'r

on he's not worth your time. I just walk away

at least I don't cry, be happy

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