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The Villainess Went Back Time

The Villainess Went Back Time

Author: Elway
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Chapter 1 Chap 1

Word Count: 1403    |    Released on: 12/08/2021

Prince had taken a like and doted on the third Princess of the neighbo

t everyone told me since I was a kid. I lived my life studying to become a pro

taring at my way before murmuring something to the person beside them. Instead of worrying the murmurs I

he whole place was grandiose, from the marble gold floor up to the diamond-made

or and Empress wanted me to have an audience with them. I did not know what was the matt

ally strai

oks arr

e refused the tea s

oice ladies, she is jus

uld hear you v

uarding the entrance. They were wearing gold armor with

g behind me a while ago stepped forward and

have an audience with His Majesty.” She said before sh

us that made a reverberating deep sound in the whole place. The moment t

Zachrono of Grand Ducal House

ed soft carpet lies beneath my feat was a heav

lasped my dress with my fingers royally. My 10 ladies-in-waiting behind

reatest Water of the Empire, Her Majesty, the Empress. May the Gods bless you

y Maxineirah.” The

side where Brothe

He was looking at me coldly with his bored eyes. I immediately looked awa

ou not to be formal to us, Lady Maxinei

ith a straight face. I could see disappointment on the

tate. This humble person respects your presence.

he Palace, Ija?” Her M

ble, thanks to Your Majes

not be with your brother going in Prague because we c

h is, I just want to tag along with him. I believe that your call

ooks like I already kn

ith a troubled expression on her face and I could not help b

e already found the woman he want

was n

aide Strangford, the third Princess of S

ellow hair and j

known to be a part

y. I understand His Highness for choosing the Princess. I understand t

as I lov

n to be the Crown Princess and be his because he obviously did not want me, moreover,

I had for him, it was still here. The effec

ed to be married other than her Princess. They were still not married

e Queen was to aide the Empress on her works but the Crowned Prince deeply stated his refusal.

.” Her Majesty said in a joyous

t. That was what I showed them but deep inside, I could not even

ing just to be loved by him. I even limited myself so they no one would thi

nce alone irritates the hell out of him. I could s

ding me but we always crossed our paths. Even I, myself tri

hat he always wanted when we were on the same place, unde

cess came to be a Prisoner of the Empire was already hu

te so the next day, I took my breakfast

caught by darkness in the road before we

letely sat. Was it full moon now? The air breeze

o upstairs when

er Mi

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