img The Villainess Went Back Time  /  Chapter 5 Chap 5 | 6.67%
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Chapter 5 Chap 5

Word Count: 1558    |    Released on: 12/08/2021

immediately restrained me and dragged inside the

d of the Dead for conspiracy because the

per food and water. Every night, the Prince would send someone t

were dried out and I barely open my eyes. I could smell myself

gh the the small window with a size of a hand. I lo

of Asthal

tion day, the day I

s no time my wound and/or bruises healed. My bruises were turning dark violet a

did not sent a torturer to 'my' prison. They even gave me a piece of bread and a glass of wat

the unpleasant smell of the blood and

derate of

mell of the place and my wounds and bruises were bothering me. I

all over me, I would not get a good night slee

my eyes when I hear

ed his mind and could not bear

t infront of my cell but

eep voice. The name I did not h

deep and full of sympat

a sting on my every limbs when I moved but I b

illuminated by the light from the moon on the small window. He

I... dr

n his back. He has a pair of deep blue orbs that reflects the moon and like an unsteady waves of the ocean that was a

ruction that perfectly

ried and hurt. He looked at me with those eyes of his like he was

if he was a real thing or my ima

saw him. The built of his body broaden a

ed him and just like what he always did in the past, he

would escape my mouth would be a sin. I want to call him

spered like telling me to be

large hands. His hands gently landed and traced my face like he was examining my whole face

ecause my face was not an exemption to the

nd holding in the bars. His cal

the same thing. I closed my eyes and savour the moment of peace I was yea

ifted from a heavy burden

r head with each other while we closed our eyes. The silence was not awk

me became peaceful and ca

want to stain him with my sin and my voice just really dried up because I

llower now, I can..." he paused. I thi

also leaned his back to mine with the cell bars between us. Maybe

already know what he wanted to say. I did not mutter a

long silence but I still did

ld hear him stuttered due to

happen. Blame me, Maxine... Blame me for ending in a state like this. Shout... Shout all your anger to me. Blame me... Blame me for leaving you alone

s damn late!" he apologized and the emotion he was

of the things happened was your

like I am short of air because of the pain. I brou

giving you back what you gav

hing that happened to my life, my family's, his and the life everyone around me was

s. The sorrow was overwhelming that made my lungs

ll always love you even more... I will make you fall inlove with me and when we meet again by chance, I assure you that I already have gathered more power and all the people who will tarnish your na

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