img The Villainess Went Back Time  /  Chapter 4 Chap 4 | 5.33%
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Chapter 4 Chap 4

Word Count: 1535    |    Released on: 12/08/2021


en I went to his chamber when I heard a dang

and now. The current rumor w

nfront of me. Why? He had been straightforward eversince

y when he could not look in my eyes. That would on

ine!” he reprimanded in a

fore he finally focuse

shoulders and lev

read from here, you hear me?” I cou

nning?” I asked in a whisper but he shook h


g bad about to

again and it made

ked disappointe

asked c

him and gave

old. All I ever wanted was to see you happy. Why are you doing this just now that it costs you your life?! I nev

and clenched it because

e but that was too long ago when the situation was not this chaotic. I even wan

nside, you have already given up. That your heart is the one shedding blooded te

e want you to share your pain with us but you always keep it to yourself. Can you

ith the Belmonth Empire Is n

a choice. They offe

asked in a weakened voice but

ganary. The epidemic was severe and lots of people perished. Th

he Empire have given up on the land, creating a bo

ock me up under house arrest in Ardeley Palace. The Aristocratic Faction fell in chaos and decided to turn

esty passed away first and His M

y under His Highness’

house commited treason.” The m

ot again…


sford Levyne Zachrono will be e

ead a place f

be the

er and Brother Lein vis

ur lacking…” Dad apologize and for the fi

ther Lein who had a

ver did anything good as a

e is the best

w on, let us do something for you.” Bro

ur brothers, your Mom

ur angel, our one and only Princess, our hope a

ything for you

l be back.” My Brother Lein smiled warmly

together after our business in the Capital.” Dad s


” they both s

o at last be peaceful bu

Princess wa


the Crowned Princess flew on

t to the Palace t

Ducal House of Zac

is the person who poisoned

lmonth Empire and a conspiracy

ponsible for the fa

rmind of the Crowned P

he is c

alking about m

cing the Cr

my brother and my father!” I p

o those people who put my woman in danger and killed ou

s Charminia

Your Highness! The

r Knights, Duke Zachrono and the Vice Captain of


other Lein wou

their lives?” I begged really hard. He was now sitting

ly and laughed so

their worthless lives, huh?

my shoe, I might


d kiss h

r my pride but right now, my

were the most important. I would

y were the only ones left to me. I

ead until my head was

nd… kissed his shoe

ng his shoe with my li

him when he rem

him just blankly looking a


sed in a pretend shock like he

htened before I could ev

are too late to beg.” He smiled cruelly that made the hair on m

. My heart stopp

started flowing from




fetch me here and we


pure hatred towards the man sitting above me. Everything I kept inside m

oked at me with surpris


pointed hairpin, my hair fell on my back and at the same tim



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