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Chapter 2 Planning

Word Count: 817    |    Released on: 16/07/2021

and the sun was brighter compared to how it rayed in the previous months of January and February. T

ness. As I was plotting the destination, my friends were assigned to fulfill another

ready-made begs to wait for perfect timing. “You know my parents wil

wrong besides, your parents know we are your company. Give it a try, and they'll give you a go.” I smi

y. You’re the only person she trusts, beli

late iced coffee and injected,

looked like a walking goth of mystery. That’s why our parent’s friends mislabeled her as the bad girl in the group. However, we knew Jade more than anyone else, and we know that she’s the kind-hearted one with sincere con

oval, we should at least start reserving a room or else, we’ll

we. “That island has rare visitors. It doesn’t even have a single shed there, but only wid

re unsafe,” Amethyst said with surp

come an island and beautiful and surreal as that turn u

hrills and mischiefs,” Opal covered her mouth

I contradict the majority’s preference, but we’re all girls,

sing-by troubled thoughts, okay? That would spoil the moment, and we would attract unfortunate things to happen the more we mention i

n we shou

lls of natures and potential happiness all of us will acquire? Besides,

coming true.” Everyone chuckled, and so was I. the four

We agreed on it because we wanted to be away from the uproars of the city and reality. It was also our chance to be together all at once before I fly off to Europe to be with my family. Perhaps, this will be my far

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