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Chapter 3 Getaway Gone Wrong

Word Count: 1188    |    Released on: 22/07/2021

he meeting place. I was busy packing breakfast and lunch f

esh lettuce, and oozing cheese. I was busy scooping rice and place it on dispos

hered together on the basket; she also sliced

ded to buy strong vodkas, beers, and sodas. Amethyst came second to the last

ped on the car, and our hearts

rs, and I’ll go back to take the steering wheel for the remaining one-hour travel. It was smooth travel; from the landsc

ee. The sound of laughter echoed throughout the six hours of our voyage with

d as we’re stuck in the middle of the crossroads. “There’s no si

? Can you read it if there are any instructions regardin

ake the road with a clear mountain waiting at the edge.” “Does it mean we shou

I continued driving, and it’s

enough that it narrowed the close to the foot-walk size of the passageway. Then there were rocky parts that made us al

he struggle when the sight of the island greeted us. The waves were

sugary whiter-than-white sands. All of us were so excited that we jumped immediate

e them. I was busy staring at how magnificent the island was; there were

were too extravagant to cover so many rays

e tents, sought branches we could use to li

confidence knowing no neighborhood would

, and hotdogs. We had so much fun to the

ort-lived. Our first night was captivating; we ended up g

our heart was overjoyed; we

and memories were too precious, knowi

ght by waves within our tent. We were laughing while pani

we set aside our pretenti

the cave located in the south. It was inviting, and

and with ceaseless tales about our childhood, we took our first step within the cav

over my body. It was a heavy feeling, and I turned back; something more

t understand how and what happened. All of us rushed out of the ca

. “It felt like a dream. Please wake me u

oked like we’re back to our high school days. I don’t understand. I am s

up looking way too young than we should,” I responded. “Jade!! Your tattoos were gone and, so as your piercings!” Topaz said. As we star

gh-school braided long hair is back as

that cave. Everything felt heavy right from the entranceway of that cave,”

l me what year it is right now? Can we all check it all together?” I asked. A

echoes of bewilderment and endless wonder; we do

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