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Chapter 4 Past

Word Count: 873    |    Released on: 22/07/2021

stare at each other, thinking about

ade asks. It's weird seeing her

yst said, panicking, and st

"What if we go back to the cave again?" Topaz said and lo

CAVE DISAPPEAR?!" Opal said, panicking. "Okay, wait," Sapphire said.

after we graduate high school. Our parents know eac

mind said. I looked at my friends; we all have the

o deep and scary," said Opal. "Did he said that? Don't t

o my adult self. Meaning I can't go into a bar, I can't drink alcohol, and the worst part is I need t

home for now. We will not

God our bags are here. If not, we cannot go home. As we are walking towards the train, all of us are silent. Absorbing what happened today. "Do yo

ere," Opal said while

we can use our credit ca

Topaz said. "We can try tomorrow? Let's go home. I'm

me. After a few hours of traveling, w

er from behind. It's still weird seeing her this y

ly. "I miss you," I sai

ss me? We just saw each other a few

ich shocked me because I know I didn'

never said about me going to th

t you and your friends are going to the beach to unwind because you've

shocked at wh

feel sick?" Mom asks and p

Goodnight mom! Oh, and by the way, don't put the face cream you bought at the department store.

She said she wants to try it. It didn't end well. The next day her face is full of

nt to my old room and saw many of my and my f

e coming back. The pain that he gave me. I remove the picture from the frame and throw it away at the garbage can. I pick up my towel and go straight into

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