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Chapter 2 New Home

Word Count: 1368    |    Released on: 04/11/2021

ve found my mate, but it meant I had to leave my brother who's stood by me through all the hard times. He's angry now bu

are like to their mates. I pick my bags up walking towards the door, once I open it more of the guys were standing out

t time I've spoke since I left the meeting, they quickly

ting, has the whole pack turned against me ? Does that

s my arm pulling me out the house "anyone who tries to approach the Queen will be taken out!"

s waiting outside talking with the Alpha, but it didn't seem as though it was a happy discussion. He sense

h the Alpha, I nod with a little smile "great, time to go home" he smiles, he move

he car door allowing me to walk in first. The seats were leather and actually comfortable, I mean in some cars it's like sitting on cardboard. Once I was safely in he gets in beside me, one of the guards people closing it behind him. I

s just erupting where he touched "you are going to love living in the castle" he smiles, I j

ove, I promise with every ounce of my being that I will protect you" he says looking me deep in the eyes, I

whispers we're nearly there just as I see a huge beautiful castle on the mountain, wait I'm gonna live there?

open before we even get to them which led into the beaut

oking over at me, the door gets

is a place any little girl would dream about living in, it's crazy to me that I am. Grayson begins to lead me into the castle, and boy I thought the outside was nice i

sn't stop at the ballroom and he actually starts to lead me up a huge staircase. We'd walk passed a few people who would bow their heads, we start to make our way down corridor after corridor, honestly

he door behind him, while I just walk around the room "I mean anything, say you don't like the colour of the walls, I ca

s not because of the colour of the walls or you, it just takes me awhile get used to people, I haven't had the best upbringing which makes me cautious

a" he tells me getting closer, I just nod looking to the ground "you do not have to talk to a

of the sound of my voice once I've got my feet under

ld I would only hear your voice" he says looking at me in

go, he begins to walk towards the door

n the same place I was before, he turns to

t we have a busy tomorrow" he smiles before leaving and

would have never thought this

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